by Marissa Storm
Their marriage had gone to hell. He can't understand the damage his behavior caused. Unable to take anymore, she gathers the children and leaves. But he can't let go. A desperate move puts him over the line. Can anything be redeemed from the mess? The children are terrified, and he is slipping farther down the dirt road to hell.

Sue argued with him and he struck her across the face. One of the neighbors saw the whole thing and called the police.
John being drunk and his normal fit to be tied self, ended up getting into it with the police. The two officers grabbed him and pushed him to the ground then cuffed his hands behind him. They led him to the police cruiser to sit while they went back to talk to Sue.
After some cajoling, the officers got Sue to press charges. Then she could get a restraining order to keep him away. After thinking about it, she realized it was all she could do. She had run out of choices. She felt it was the only way until he accepted things the way they had to be.
When John got out of jail, he called Sue, “Hey, uh, Hon, you know I just need you and the girls. Why did you have me put in jail? That was so wrong? I’m your husband. What happened to love honor and obey?”
“John, don’t call me again. I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want you around me. I’m tired of your abuse and your meanness. I won’t live that way again.”
“Well, Miss high and mighty, just look at you. Do you think you are better than me? You aren’t crap, I’ll tell you that missy. No man in his right mind is going to want you.”
“Well that just goes to show you aren’t in your right mind now doesn’t it?”
“Sue, Honey, please…I need you.”
Sue hung up the phone and he called right back.
“Sue I’m sorry really, please come home.”
“John no, I will never come back, ever. Stop calling or I will report you for harassing me on the phone. Now stop! Go to bed.”
Marissa Storm has a few other published books in circulation today:
Storm Warnings, a fiction love story adventure.
And What Happens to the Children, a book about the price the children pay when the parents split their lives in half.
I now write under a Pen name for personal reasons.
I love to meet with fans and will be making personal appearances in the near future. From NC, enjoys family and friends and the love of God as well as the blessings He brings.
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