Welcome Today's Featured Author
E.J. Shortall!!

Silver Lining by E.J. Shortall:
Amber Merchant had it all. Living with and engaged to her teenage sweetheart, a nice house and the job of her dreams. Not anymore!
Following a devastating revelation from her Fiancé, Amber finds herself single once again and moving on. To protect herself she vows to stay away from men and guard her wounded heart.
During an evening out to celebrate her newly single life, a chance encounter with a tall, dark and handsome stranger leaves Amber’s head reeling. Intrigued by her draw to him but scared for her heart she flees.
Craig Silver, twenty nine year old CEO, is the last person Amber needs in her life. Battling his own demons, Craig is content on a life of meaningless affairs, one night stands and no commitments.
At first it seems their attraction is mutual… until she runs.
When fate intervenes and their paths cross again, Craig refuses to take no for an answer. Encouraging Amber to take a chance on a single date he sets them on a path of love, lust, truth and deception.
Buy Links:
Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IK06VSW
Amazon.co.uk: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00IK06VSW
Amazon.ca: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00IK06VSW
Amazon.com.au: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00IK06VSW
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22820517-silver-lining

Silver Dove by E.J. Shortall
Full of romance, intrigue, emotion and passion, Silver Dove is the concluding part to Craig and Amber’s story that began in Silver Lining.
After the chaos of their early relationship and with their history of broken pasts behind them, Craig and Amber prepare to say ‘I Do’ on their Happily Ever After.
Life rarely runs to plan though.
Amber has fought long and hard to bury her fears and become a stronger person, but when old feelings resurface and tragedy strikes, it takes an intervention from Craig to prove her doubts are unfounded and to believe in love and hope.
Just when they think they are at a point where they can be happy and move forward together, the pair find themselves fighting obstacles and difficulties that will truly test the strength of their bond.
Can Amber gather the strength to fight against the forces trying to destroy her? Will Craig keep his promises of remaining truthful? As a couple are they tough enough to battle through these turbulent times and emerge stronger than ever?
Silver Dove Links
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20929922-silver-dove
About E.J. Shortall:
EJ Shortall was born and raised in London, England where she currently still lives with her teenage son.
Having worked in education for the better part of 12 years, EJ decided a change was needed and, following a moment of inspiration, she decided to put pen to paper and start writing her first novel, Silver Lining. Not content with just the one, she continued with book two and hopes to write many more.
She has always enjoyed reading, but found it was mostly just a holiday extravagance. Then she discovered a certain worldwide best seller, and that was it she was hooked. Reading quickly became an obsession and she couldn’t devour books fast enough. The books on her shelves and reading device range from sweet, Young Adult romances, to smouldering erotic encounters.
Aside from reading and writing, EJ also enjoys amateur photography and cake decorating.
“I am on one amazing roller coaster ride at the moment, meeting new and wonderful people, discovering new music gems to integrate into my stories, and learning so many new skills. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me.”
If you would like to join E.J. on her journey, please follow or contact her. She would love to hear from you!
FB: www.facebook.com/ejshortallauthor
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/E.J.-Shortall/e/B00IPOFTJU/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1410165244&sr=8-1
Twitter: www.twitter.com/EmMeeS_1
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/EmMeeS1/
Blog: www.ejshortallauthor.blogspot.com
Website: www.ejshortallauthor.com
Booktropolous social: http://booktropoloussocial.com/index.php?do=/pages/28/
Interview with E.J. Shortall:
1. Can you tell us a little about your books?
They are Contemporary Romances based in the London suburb of Kingston-Upon-Thames, UK. The Silver series is about Craig and Amber, both struggling with inner demons following events that happened to them in the past. Amber’s was more recent, Craig’s in his younger years. We watch as Craig and Amber first meet in a nightclub when Amber is out celebrating her new life as a single lady. She is scared of her instant attraction to Craig and runs. As the story progresses we see them being placed in each other’s paths several times more and eventually Amber cannot deny her growing feelings for Craig. How does it all end? You’ll have to read to find out.
One thing that I often hear from readers is that the story is very real. The characters are relatable and draw you into the story, as if you are living it right along with them. That was always something I strived for, I wanted the characters to be just like you or I.
2. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
There isn’t much to tell. For the past twelve years I have worked in education, dabbling with various hobbies to occupy my down time. I got back into reading when everyone else was raving about Fifty Shades. After I’d read the series five times, I moved on to Bared To You. I got a tablet as a birthday present and immediately downloaded the Kindle app. That was it, I was hooked. I had so much fun 1-clicking that weekend and then spent every spare moment reading.
In January 2013 my mother passed away and it was the escapism in reading that got me through the dark days.
3. What inspires you to write?
Anything and everything. I find I now people watch more and I’m constantly looking for my next idea or muse. Music is also important and I spend hours trawling through Spotify for inspiring music.
4. Do you have a favorite spot to write?
Either relaxing back on my bed or sitting on the sofa. I’m not lucky enough to have a fancy study with a big desk and all that stuff. Even if I did, I’d probably still end up relaxing back with my laptop.
5. Do you have any “odd” writing habits?
Define odd. I don’t think I’ve been doing this long enough to have picked up any habits. It’s more a case of me trying to find out what kind of writer I am. When I wrote Silver Lining I started with the fundamental idea of the story and just let it play out chapter by chapter. With Silver Dove I was writing scenes all over the place and had to pull them all together as I went through. I’m also getting better and plotting and planning. It’s all still a learning curve for me at the moment.
6. Do you listen to music while you write?
Absolutely! I create playlists for the stories and then have them on repeat to help with motivation and inspiration. I’m not ashamed to admit I might have bawled like a baby when listening to certain songs whilst writing the scene they go with.
7. When did you know you wanted to write a book?
About 5 minutes before I started writing. I kid you not. A lot of friends kept telling me I should try writing because I read so much. They saw something in me I couldn’t see myself. I always brushed them off with the same statement ‘I don’t have the creativity for that.’ One morning I was showering, getting ready for work and the words for the opening paragraph of chapter one of Silver Lining came to me. The words were so specific, as though someone were reading to me, that I had to jot them down. After that I couldn’t stop. I needed to know why this character was moving on, what had happened. I spent time coming up with names and descriptions and the story and then the words started flowing. One paragraph became a chapter. One chapter became twenty four of them and suddenly, three months after starting; I typed ‘The End’ and burst in to tears. I’d done it. I’d written a novel. That was a feeling I could never describe, it was overwhelming. The mayhem of finding beta readers and editors and cover designers soon took over and before I knew it I was hitting publish.
8. What are writing projects are you currently working on?
I have three different projects on the go at the moment. Silver Girl will be the third in the Silver series and will be about Craig’s younger sister Carly Silver’s story. The other two will be standalones and at the moment I’m keeping them a little hush hush. Let’s just say that the female characters in them are nothing like Amber and I love writing them. I’m also trying my hand at a different style of writing which is pushing me. These two are calling to me more at the moment than Silver girl, so I will concentrate on them and then get back to Carly.
9. What's one random fact about yourself that you can share?
If I wasn’t working in education or writing I would love to own a bakery and decorate cakes all day. Either that or go and study photography properly and open a photography business. I’ve always loved taking photos of people and places.
10. What's the last book you read?
I’m in a group with some other fellow indie authors who all published their first novels around the same time. I’m trying to find the time between writing to read all their books. The last published one I finished was Seeking Nirvana by V.L. Brock. I’m now reading Love’s Taming by Maryann Jordan. I highly recommend both. I’ve also just had the privilege to beta read Emerge into Forever by Andrea Michelle, such a lovely conclusion to her series.