Welcome Today's Featured Author
J.C. Rochford!!
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TITLE: Orphan Flowers
SERIES: Conquering Series (Book 1)
GENRE: Contemporary Mystery / Suspense
AUTHOR: J.C. Rochford
Lily-May, wife of NYPD Detective Murray and mother to beautiful Callie,
tragically goes missing, with her daughter witnessing the ordeal, but
unable to save her mother from the captor's grip. Will Callie be able to
live with herself?
A mystery as to where she is or how she got there and to stay alive,
Lily begins a new life pretending to be someone else. Will she ever be
found, or will her captor carry out the unthinkable when he learns her
true identity?
Back home, Lily's husband and daughter have been left to pick up the
pieces. While both suffer immeasurable pain and emptiness, Callie
believes she has seen her mother on a number of occasions but has been
too scared to tell her dad who, unbeknownst to her, has witnessed his
own sightings of this same woman.
Has Lily returned, or is it her ghost back to haunt her daughter and
ADD to TBR: http://bit.ly/grorphanflowers

Not sure if this novel is for you? The first THREE chapters of Orphan Flowers is on Wattpad, check it out and discover the suspense this novel brings: http://bit.ly/wattpadof
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Amazon UK: http://bit.ly/amazonukof
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KOBO: http://bit.ly/koboorfl
iBooks: http://bit.ly/ibooksof
J.C. Rochford was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. Besides being half Canadian, she is also half British with many family members still residing in England. J.C. began her writing journey in her early teens writing poetry and song lyrics. Currently, you may find J.C. Rochford titles under the young adult and contemporary fiction genres.
'Orphan Flowers' is J.C. Rochford’s debut novel, and was written over the course of two years before setting it to release to the world on July 23, 2016.
J.C. Rochford holds additional interests in photography, graphic design, and jewellery design. She also enjoys the outdoors and visiting rural Ontario with her family during the summer.
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Interview with J.C. Rochford
- Can you tell us a little about your book?Orphan Flowers is a contemporary mystery suspenae novel. It is about a woman who is kidnapped, Lily-May. The novel takes places in Vancover, British Colbumia and you hear from 4 chatacters. Lily-May, her husband Keith Murray, Daughter Callie and the kidnapper Darren. The book takes place over the course of 6 years and switches between past and present.
- How did you choose the genre you write in?
I am not tied down to any one genre. I write both in
adult and young adult genres and plan to publish books in a verify of
genres. My next release is young adult and I have an adult contemporary
romance coming as well.
3) When did you know you wanted to write a book?
have had a love for words since my early teens when I began writing
poetry. Two years ago is when I decided I wanted to try my hand at
writing a novel, in which Orphan Flowers spouted!
4) Do you work with an outline, or just write?
I write my plot/main focus of the book down but from there I write what the characters have to say!
5) Do you have a favorite spot to write?
Typically, I write at my desk. Occasionally I'll write in bed but I focus better while sitting at a table of some sort.
6) Do you have a favorite food or drink you must have nearby when writing?
Sweet and salty snacks!! Love chocolate and popcorn!
7) What’s your favorite summertime activity?
Hiking/walking. I love the outdoors and being in nature. There is a calm that comes over me when I am in nature
8) What are writing projects are you currently working on?
have a few WIP, first is Beauty Beneath which is a young adult novel
about self-discovery and coming to terms with her past. I have Oil Lamp,
the continuation of Orphan Flowers and I have a contemporary romance
titled Twenty-Onw Wishes
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