Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Interview With Bethany Adams

Interview With Bethany Adams!!!


1)    Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Sure! I live near Murfreesboro, TN with my husband and two children. I have an English degree from MTSU, but I also love to study language in general. If I had a magic language wand to learn them all, I’d be in heaven. J I’m also a gamer. Strategy, simulation, RPG, casual tablet games—I’m always playing something.

2)    Can you tell us a little about your book?

Soulbound was born from this question: What if the elves were real? I started wondering what that might look like. Would they travel among us? Form relationships? Could there be children left behind from those relationships? At that point, the initial scene popped into my head where Arlyn confronts her elven father, Lyr.

Of course, Arlyn didn’t expect that finding her father would be the easy part. Within a day, she meets Kai, who claims to be her soulbonded, and is drawn into the conflict that kept her father from returning to Earth in the first place. She has to decide who she wants to be and where she belongs. I’d say that’s the heart of Soulbound: belonging. 

3)    What inspires you to write?

That’s a good question, but I’m not sure I can answer it. I’ve written for almost as long as I can remember. An idea will hit me, and sometimes an entire scene will pop into my head. It almost becomes an obsession. I think about scenes while I’m doing errands or picking my oldest up from school. It just happens.

4)    When did you first start writing and when did you finish your first book?

I started writing little stories here and there when I was a kid. In junior high, I tried to write my first book. It was pretty bad, guys. If I ever want to see how far I’ve come, I go open that notebook. J Through high school and early college, I tried again several times, but I never got past about half a book. Then Soulbound hit, and the idea stuck. I finished the first draft about four years ago. I’ve revised, rewritten, and revised again to really bring it to life. 

5)    When you write do you write the first draft on a computer or paper and pen?

I used to start with paper and pen, but writing by hand causes me too much hand pain now. I write everything by computer.

6)    Do you have a favorite spot to write?

In theory, I love to write at coffee shops. But I have young children, so I’ve learned to write anywhere I can. I do most of my work at my standing desk.

7)    Do you listen to music while you write?

Almost always! I love music, and I even have a writing playlist. For Kai and Arlyn, I listen to “Of These Chains” by Red. For Lyr, it’s “My Heart Is Broken” by Evanescence. I also love the Braveheart soundtrack for instrumental.

8)    Do you have a favorite food or drink you must have nearby when writing? 

I usually drink water while working. I’m not even paying attention to what I’m drinking, so it’s a great way to get those ounces in. J If I’m tired, I might have hot tea or soda. During quick breaks, I might grab crackers or pretzels.

9)    If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? 

Based on Question 1, I should be Language Girl.  Hehe. I’d love to fly, too. Or control the elements. Hey, why not all of them? I’d be a super-hero, after all!

10) What are writing projects are you currently working on?

I’m in the process of revising Sundered, the sequel to Soulbound, so I can send it off to my editor. Sundered is largely from Lyr’s perspective and is set just after Soulbound. I’m also pondering plot points for Book 3.

Where to find Bethany Adams:




My main website is: 

Soulbound is available at a variety of retailers:





NOOK: Coming soon

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