Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Release Blitz for Caught in the Storm by Rachael Brownell

Caught in the Storm
By Rachael Brownell

Genre: Romantic Suspense
Cover Reveal: April 2, 2019
Cover Design: Pink Ink Designs, Cassy Roop


“A wild ride that will leave you turning the pages, desperate to become lost in every crafted word.” ~ Kathy Coopmans, USA Today Bestselling Author

Love can be blinding and by the time the truth shines through, it’s too late to escape.

Is that too much to ask?
All I need is to catch a break. To snag the attention of someone important. Someone who can help make my career everything I want it to be.
Joseph was that man. Until the night the lights went out and I left with someone else. Someone who stole my breath and made me want for things I’d never considered before.
I should have known better than to trust a stranger. Especially one of his stature and class. Money means power and power means control.
Over my heart.
My career.
My entire life.
My dreams died the moment I agreed to his terms and a new chapter in my life began. I was blinded by my love for him and thought nothing would ever change the way I felt.
Then I uncovered the truth about him. About the kind of man he really was and the secrets he paid good money to keep hidden from everyone.
Now I’m trapped, with no way out.

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“I don't get you, Johnathan. You're still a mystery to me, but I must admit, I like it. I like not knowing what will happen next. It's exciting."
Leaning across the table and taking her hands in mine, I kiss each of them and then whisper so only she can hear.
"And I like that the sound of your voice just turned me on. We're going to need another bottle of wine before I can stand up from the table thanks to your dirty remarks, my love."
A fierce blush spreads across Amelia's cheeks, and a giggle escapes her. She covers her mouth, but it's loud, and a few tables close to us turn in our direction.
"I'm sorry," she says. "I was just thinking about your little predicament, and I couldn't help but laugh."
"Yeah, well," I start, releasing one hand and reaching under the table. When my hand meets silk, her laugh comes to an abrupt halt. "Two can play at that game."
The challenge has been laid on the table, and she's not backing down, uncrossing her legs for me and scooting closer.
"If that's how you want to play—"
Amelia's words are interrupted by a camera flash. I knew things were too good to be true. There are three reporters in the lobby taking pictures as Charles attempts to hold them back.
They've killed my hard-on, but that also means we can leave now.

Review by Gia:
Amelia is trying to make it in the music business when she is swept off her feet by JohnathanJohnathan is a rich politician.  After reading this one, he's kind of a mystery still and I'm not sure whether I like him or not.  He has some shady business deals and we still don't have all the details about a previous scandal.   Amelia is a good character.  I think she puts up with too much from Johnathan and doesn't ask enough question but he knows how to swoon her into forgetting about things.   I loved the story and these two had me completely engrossed in the story.   The ending surprised me and I can't wait to read more.
 4 1/2 Stars!

Author Bio

Rachael Brownell is an award-winning romance author. She resides in the midwest with her husband, son, and fur-babies. A morning person at heart, Rachael is a coffee addict who enjoys writing characters readers can connect with. She’s also known for placing those same characters in situations that will make you feel like you’re right there with them, going through the experience.
To stay connected with Rachael, stalk her on social media, join her reader group or sign up for her newsletter.

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