Friday, April 5, 2019

Release Blitz for America's Geekheart by Pippa Grant

Title: America's Geekheart
Author: Pippa Grant
Genre: Romantic Comedy
 Release Date: April 5, 2019


Remember that time you accidentally sexted your in-laws?

Yeah. I just did that. Except worse. Now my million social media followers are reading and sharing the rude, smartass message I meant to send privately to my little sister...and I’m officially public enemy number one.

I’m Beck Ryder. Former boy bander. Underwear model. Fashion mogul. And I just buried my entire leg in my mouth—not just my foot—modern internet style, and publicly insulted my sister’s neighbor.

Sarah Dempsey.

Also known as the woman of my dreams, who loves geeky TV shows, baseball, and giraffes, who’s just as turned on by food as I am, and who has a huge secret that I didn’t see coming.

Now it's time to grovel and apologize publicly on social media and hope that those same followers who helped start the raging shitstorm will help calm the waters.

Because Sarah doesn’t want the spotlight. For very good reasons that I can’t tell you right now and trying to convince her to be my fake girlfriend to fix this mess and make me look like less of a jackass is worse than taking a kick to the nuts by Jackie Chan.

And I thought modeling underwear made me feel naked.

Trying to start a relationship in the era of the twitterazzi isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.

America’s Geekheart is a rockin’ fun romantic comedy featuring a billionaire fashion mogul who got his start modeling underwear, the geeky girl next door with a secret the size of California, and more superstitions and secrets than you can shake a baseball bat at. It stands alone with no cheating or cliffhangers.


Purchase Links

$2.99 for release week only!!


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Review by Gia:
I loved this one.   I like to mix up my reading list each month with a few new to me authors and I saw this one and decided to check it out.   I was totally loving the characters, story and writing style that at 60% into the story (it was a chapter break too) I took a break to check out more about the author.   I found that America's Geekheart is book two in the Bro Code series so before continuing to read America's Geekheart I one clicked Flirting with the Frenemy so I already have my next read ready.   America's Geekheart is book two in the Bro Code series but it most definitely can be read as a standalone. 
This one is a fun read.  It's Sarah and Beck's story and we get both their POVS.   Sarah has crazy over the top Hollywood parents.  She has manged to distance herself from Hollywood and is a pretty down to earth girl.  Beck is former boy bander.  He lives in the spotlight.  He's like  giant kid and is always happy.  With one wring tweet he ends up thrusting Sarah into the spotlight.  To help with the PR nightmare he has caused Beck and Sarah decide to fake date.  They clicked perfectly together.  They might have started out as fake dating but fate has something else in mind.  They have great banter and these two were just great together.
5 Amazeballs Stars!

Author Bio

Pippa Grant is a stay-at-home mom and housewife who loves to escape into sexy, funny stories way more than she likes perpetually cleaning toothpaste out of sinks and off toilet handles. When she’s not reading, writing, sleeping, or trying to prepare her adorable demon spawn to be productive members of society, she’s fantasizing about chocolate chip cookies.

Books by Pippa Grant

Author Links

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