Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Featured Author: Sandra R. Neeley

Welcome Today's Featured Author
 Sandra R. Neeley!!

Avaleigh’s Boys series 

Avaleigh’s Boys, a family of badass southern shifters who make their home in the backwoods and bayous of South Louisiana. They fight, cuss, love hard and battle all odds in their search for their one true Mate; but always, they stand together. Family by choice, these Dragon, Bear, Wolf and Lion shifters will steal your heart and sweep you away to accompany them on their journeys. Come, join us, we're waiting...
☆☆Books 1 - 5 Now Available on KU☆☆

I’m Not a Dragon’s Mate!

 In the backroads and bayous of Louisiana lives a clan of badass Southern shifters who are family by choice. They cuss, they fight, they love hard and battle against the odds all in search of their One true Mate.  But always they stand together.  This is the beginning of their story....

Bane’s Heart

 Bane is solid, dependable, jaded, and painfully lonely. He’s never thought he was worthy of a Mate. Then he sees her. She calms him, gives him joy, makes him hope. Just as he thinks things are falling into place, she crushes his soul and disappears. Janie has spent her entire life protecting herself and her mother from the terror that is her father. She has accepted that her life will be spent alone. One day a beautiful, sexy, man comes into her store. She knows she can only admire him from a distance, but then he smiles at her. Her father notices and forbids their union. Ricky is a small town hood and a drug dealer. He and his gang made one mistake; the woman they agreed to take as settlement on a debt is Mate to a shifter. When Janie is traded as payment for her father's debt, it brings the wrath of an entire clan of shifters down upon the heads of Ricky and his gang. Will Bane be able to save his Janie?

 Kaid’s Queen

 Kaid has watched as members of his clan have found and claimed their One; their Mate. He’s lonely and his Bear is growing bitter and despondent watching from the side. He’s tired of hurting. Then a visit from an old friend delivers his heart’s desire. She is beyond all he ever dreamed. But there’s a problem; she’s more Alpha than he is, housing a monster that even she is afraid to release.

Delilah was born in captivity. Her parents murdered. All she has ever known is rules, permissions, cruelty, forced to barter in trade each day for her very survival. The concept of love, family and happiness mean nothing to her; they are merely words. She believes she’s been left to die a slow painful death. Then a chance encounter saves her. She is taken on a journey to an Alpha who could be all she never knew she needed.

While Kaid and Delilah struggle to form a bond other than the obvious physical one, a vengeful, unseen threat from the past scurries into the periphery of their lives, threatening not only their new-found chance at happiness, but the lives of every member of their clan and the very land they call home. Will this threat be detected in time to save the lives of all Avaleigh’s Boys and everyone they Love?
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Maverik’s Ashes

 Maverik’s broken. His entire world came crashing down around him without warning, stolen from him brutally in the night by the one female he entrusted his soul to. His Wolf is all he’s got left, both are bitter, wary, untrusting and dangerous. They hide behind a wall of snarky, biting humor erected to keep the rest of the world at bay as they try desperately to cling to survival each and every day. He’s managed to find shelter in a clan of shifters. They have given him the support he needs to nurse his wounds in his solitary, self-imposed emotional isolation. It’s barely an existence but it works for him, only now it’s getting harder. His clan is growing; they’re finding their Mates, their One. They‘re having babies, loving, laughing – living. And he’s not. He’s feeling more and more isolated. And the fact that he’s stumbled across another female that gives every indication that she’s his Mate is not helping. The last one almost destroyed him; there is no way in hell he will allow another female, any female, an opportunity to complete the job.

Valerie’s a Lion shifter. She’s independent, strong, loving and kind. She’s got more curves than a country backroad and gave up the struggle to be model perfect years ago. She’s learned to love who she is and knows exactly what she’s got to offer the right male. Her Lioness has dreamed all her life of finding the One male who’s meant for her, the one who will love her unconditionally and be proud to call her “Mine.” Unfortunately for her; the wild, tatted, mohawked and oh so sexy Wolf shifter who joins the local clan that frequents her brothers bar is the male that her Lioness decides is hers. And the bastard won’t even acknowledge her existence! His repeated rebuffs of her attempts to just have a conversation with him end in her blazing hatred for him. If he can’t see past the curves that adorn her body to the amazing female underneath, it’s his loss, not hers. Why then, is it his face she sees each time she closes her eyes at night, each time her new fiance’ kisses her?

Maverik’s had enough. The little Lioness calls to him in a way that he can no longer ignore. He wants her; forever. But before he can do anything about it, he’s got to deal with the ashes of his past. He’s got to go back, lay it all to rest and try to salvage some semblance of who he once was, of the honorable male that died that night. Maybe then he’ll be enough. Maybe then she’ll see him as the male he once was proud to be. Will he be able to man up, to make peace with his past before her hatred of him becomes so intense that she’ll never be able to see around it? He certainly hopes so, because without her, he’ll never survive.

Bam’s Ever

Bramley, Bam, as he’s known to his friends and family is a Bear shifter. He’s also a healer. He senses things about others and the world around him, but he can’t get a sense of what’s right for himself. He’s always known he wasn’t enough for a Mate. And he’d accepted it; until her. The female that would have been his Mate, had he been born worthy of one. And didn’t fate just love to jerk him around? It wasn’t enough that he couldn’t have her, she had to be placed right in front of his eyes where he had to interact with her, and watch her find the male she was truly destined for. But it’s okay, he’ll watch over her, protect her, and love her enough to let her go when she finds her male. Only now, after pushing her away repeatedly so she’d find her true One, she’s missing. And he’ll be damned if he will allow her to stay missing, her male should have protected her better. He’s gonna find her, he’s gonna bring her home, and whether he’s worthy or not, he’s making her his! If he survives, that is… Everly grew up forced submit, used by the Fox skulk she was born into and especially by its heir apparent. It’s just the way of the world she lived in, but she’s always wanted more, wanted better. A chance encounter when she was young introduced her to a new friend and a whole new world of possibilities. Thanks to her friend and her friends’ brother, she learns to stand on her own, defend herself, and she refuses to settle for less than she knows she deserves. Then she meets him, her Mate. But he won’t have her, no matter how hard she tries. Until one night they finally connect, just when she thinks it’s all going to be okay, her world comes to a screeching halt when he rejects her a final time, telling her to go to a male that means nothing to her. She runs away from her home, her friends, everything, as she searches for solace. There’s only one thing that could bring her back, her Mate. And now he needs her; his very survival depends on her. She’s going after him, and after she saves him, she’ll walk away if he still doesn’t want her.

Whispers From the Bayou series

The swamps of south Louisiana shelter all manner of creature, paranormal as well as natural wildlife. Whispers is a community of paranormal beings hidden deep within most uninhabitable areas of these wetlands. All of its inhabitants — be they Vampires, Shifters, Gargoyles, Banshees, Ancients, Windigo, Merpeople or other — came here for one reason; Sanctuary. The members of this community intentionally migrated here over time in an effort to escape humankind and their intolerant ways. Some species were hunted to the point of near extinction, those few who survived, now live here. They all have one rule, one unbreakable rule — no humans. No humans are allowed to ever know of their community. It’s the only way they can all remain safely hidden away.


Raised by a father who curses the day she was born, Carolena finds herself in the swamps of south Louisiana under the guise of overseeing her father’s investments. Things take a turn as she catches the eye of a local man. Carolena flees into the deepest, darkest, wildest portion of the swamps in an effort to escape the brothers and their plans for her. Death at the hands of the creatures in these wetlands is a better option, in her mind. Little does she know, she’s also caught the eye of the most dangerous creature there, one of legend — of nightmares. Carnage is a Gargoyle. He’s also volatile, dangerous, unpredictable, and lonely. One evening minding his own business at the edge of the sanctuary he calls home, he spies a female. Carnage makes a snap decision that changes both their lives forever...



Destroy is a beautiful, strong, charismatic and charming Gargoyle. He is also selfish, shallow, petty and jealous — or is he? One misunderstanding centuries ago resulted in his being labeled as not good enough, untrustworthy, self-serving. To hell with them, he knew who he really was! If only he had a female to see the real Goyle. A power as old as time, so strong it’s killed to protect the small child it flows from. Locked down for decades, never allowed to ebb and flow as naturally as the elements it’s made from — it simmers on a slow boil, waiting for a chance to be released again. Its very essence draws all manner of creature to the woman the child has grown into. Will her refusal to see her gifts as they truly are result in her running headlong into her own blazing death? Or is it time to put on her big girl panties, take a stand and accept her birthright.


Orlgo was one of the last of a unique breed. He’d been exiled, for nothing more than existing. His species was feared, ostracized. He needed a host – required one in order to live, to thrive. Because of that, most other species considered his people parasitic. He supposed in a way, maybe they were, but there was so much more to it than that. He’d given up hope – intentionally left on an abandoned space station near the outer reaches of the universe, there was no chance for him to find a host. No chance for him to survive. Insanity had begun to rear its unavoidable head. Then, a female crash lands on his space station. Could this be his chance? Would she fear him, or could he possibly win her over? Chloe’d been alone her entire life, learning the hard way that you could only depend on yourself. “Learn to fight alone,” the nuns at the orphanage had told her. So, she had. She’d fought relationships, fought attachments, fought society and fought the “norm.” Which is how she ended up alone on the edges of the known universe far from any of the mining planets she routinely made supply runs for – in a damaged ship – without any choice but to maroon herself on an abandoned space station. She took a deep breath and prepared to explore the place she’d apparently call home until she could manage to repair her ship. Hopefully, there wouldn’t be any lifeforms lurking that had any desire to make her their dinner, or worse. There were some things worse than death. She’d managed to activate the homing beacon, so that anyone searching for her would be able to locate the signal and come for her. But that was just the problem, there would be no one looking for her. Fate has a funny way of giving just what is needed, exactly when it’s needed and not an ounce more or sooner. Whether or not it’s a blessing or a curse to all parties involved is in the eye of the beholder. One should always be careful what they wish for, they just might get it.

Haven 1: Ascend 

Command Warship 1 is home to one of the most feared males in the multi-verse. Zha Quin Tha is Sire to his people, next in line to the throne. He rules his military with an iron hand. His people, the Cruestaci, are a warrior race who bow to no one and no thing. They’ve been deemed too violent to be an ally by the Unified Consortium Defense — the organization responsible for keeping peace between all peoples and worlds. Zha Quin didn’t care what their opinion was. He was only violent when necessary — like when provoked, or if his planet was threatened, or a weaker people overrun, or he was just irritated in general. Like now, slavers had crossed into the territory of Cruestace. He’d been called in to intercept and return the kidnapped women on board to the Consortium for return to their home worlds. Little did he know, his whole existence was about to be turned upside down. One little, human female was about to teach him a thing or two about survival, patience, and trust. One large room — every wall, the entire floor, even the ceiling covered in mats. This is now Vivian’s home. Her world extends no further than the end of the chain that keeps her anchored in the center of the room. She’s learned how to use that chain as a weapon. She had to — her captors find great sport in taunting her, abusing her, hurting her. She’s exhausted, near starved, injured and if truth be told — not long for this world, whatever the hell world it is. All she’s got left is her pride, and she’ll be damned if she gives that up to any of her alien captors. They want to play, she’ll play, and she’ll make sure they pay for it in bruises and pain the next day. They may win, but they’ll think twice next time. Days run together, no hope of ever being freed. Survival seems pointless until she finds herself face to face with the largest, scariest male she’s ever seen. So be it — she’s got nothing to lose — she’ll fight him, too. Maybe this time her misery will finally come to an end. She has no idea this male is different. This male is stronger than the rest. This male will be her Haven.

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Riley’s Pride 

​There’s a new Alpha in town. He’s tried for too long to make a life in a place with more than its share of Alphas. His Panther has decided enough is enough. His Mate has renounced him as a result of a grave misunderstanding, and he’s struck out on his own, forging a new future and new Pride that will welcome all who have struggled to find their place. He will be their Alpha – they will live by his rules. Together they will make a new life in the hills and mountains of Missouri. They’ll build a life to be proud of, a life that will welcome all their Mates, if they are lucky enough to find them. A life his own estranged Mate will hopefully be drawn to. It will be dangerous, because the shifters that have struggled to find a place are usually the most unpredictable, those that never fit anywhere else. But that’s what makes life interesting isn’t it – danger, unpredictability and love? Welcome to Riley’s Pride.

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About Sandra R. Neeley:

For those of you that don't know me I write Paranormal, Scifi and Fantasy Romance. Why, you may ask? Romance, because who doesn’t love a good romance, and the lack of reality in the story lines - because, well, normal is highly overrated. I’m 55, I have two kids, one 32 and one 12 (yes, God does have a sense of humor), one grandchild, one husband, and a menagerie of animals. Literally, too damn many things that eat wandering around our property. I love to cook, and I am a voracious reader, though since I started writing I don’t get as much time to read as I once did. I am a homebody and prefer my writing/reading time to a crowd. I have had stories and fictional characters wandering around in my head for as long as I can remember. I started letting them out into the real world and surprisingly, people have loved them. I am a Self-Published Author, and I like it that way because I can decide what and when to write. I am by no means a formal, polished, properly structured individual and neither are my stories. But people seem to love the easy emotion and passion that naturally flow from them. A bit of a warning though, there are some “triggers” in them that certain people should avoid. I’m a firm believer that you cannot have light without the dark. You cannot fully embrace the joy and elation that my people eventually find if you do not bear witness to their darkest hours as well. So please be sure to read the warnings supplied with each of the synopses about my books before you buy them. I've got four series published at this time, Avaleigh's Boys - PNR, Whispers From the Bayou - Fantasy PNR, Haven - a SciFi, Riley's Pride - PNR, several short stories, and much more in process. I’m a bit sarcastic, scathing actually, and a smartass to boot, so if I offend you, it is most likely not intentional. But be prepared because it probably won’t be the last time. I’m always glad to hear from readers; those who have followed me from the beginning, and those who have just found my people. So feel free to look me up and say hello, or just follow along; either way, I’m glad to have you.

Book+Main Bites @sneeleywrites 

Interview With Sandra R. Neeley:

1. Can you tell us a little about your books?
My books are all paranormal. I have enough normal in my life. There is dark in each of them that must be overcome in order to fully appreciate the joy that follows. It wasn't intentional, but there seems to be a theme of family - not by blood, but of choice - running through them. Of being accepted because of who you are. And they'll always have an hea.  

2. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I have 9 published so far, a short story, and dozens more of both in my head waiting for their chance to be told. I love them all, a part of me is in each. Though Carnage is particularly special to me, if I had to choose a favorite overall story to date, it'd be Haven 1: Ascend. Each of my books are like my child, though, I love pieces of each of them better than the others.  

3.For a reader who hasn't read your books yet, which book do you suggest they start with?
Depends on their preference. If they like shifters, Avaleigh's Boys, Paranormals in general - goyles, vampires, anything you can imagine then they should read Whispers From the Bayou, if they prefer SciFi, Haven 1: Ascend.  

4. Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
It's better for me if I start early in the morning when my mind is fresh. If I wait until I adult too much during the day, it's hard to slip into my other worlds.  

5. Do you have a release day tradition?
Mostly just chewing my nails and hoping people notice it and want to give it a try.
  6. Do you have a favorite spot to write?
My office!  

7.  If  you could spend 24 hours as a fictional character, who would you chose?
My characters or someone elses? Mine? It would be Avaleigh after she meets her boys.
  8. What  writing projects are you currently working on?
I am writing Enthrall, which is the 3rd book in my Whispers From the Bayou Series, and I've got a secret project I'm working on as well. It's also PNR. I've also got the final book in my Avaleigh’s Boys series started, and Haven 2 has begun to murmur. I'm spread a little thin at the moment. 

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