Monday, April 1, 2019

Featured Author: Lavinia Urban

Welcome Today's Featured Author 
Lavinia Urban!!!


The Dating Game (book 1):
As a best-selling author Rita Davies has the world at her feet, but there is one thing missing.
All Rita wants is a man and she is determined to go to great lengths to find one. Even if that includes auctioning herself off at a charity fundraiser.
The only single one in her group, Rita is desperate for a plus one so she can Netflix and chill with because her tubs of ice cream just aren’t doing it for her no more.
Rita is quirky, flirty and, at times, downright dirty.
Follow Rita on her writing journey then decide which path she should take.

It's Complicated: Caleb (book 2a):
 Rita has a choice to make.
Choosing Caleb does not mean that things will be plain sailing, far from it.
As they get closer they realise that they are world's apart.
It's Complicated: Owen (book 2b): 
Rita has a choice to make.
Choosing Owen does not mean that things will be plain sailing, far from it.
As they get closer they realise that they are world's apart.
Can their relationship go the distance and survive all the obstacles that life has to throw at them.
There is also a spin-off series, which is to be read in the following order:
The Charminator: 
Sam McCormack is a bit of a lady’s man. With lots of charm and devilishly good looks, he believes it is his God given duty to give every woman one night in heaven.
Many women have tried to tame the beast, that is Sam, but not realising that he gave his heart away a long time ago.
Follow Sam on his journey and see who finally brings him to his knees.
The Muscle:
 Logan is the strong silent type, who likes to keep his emotions to himself.
For years he tried to fit in the mould of what is considered ‘normal,’ but he is fast approaching a crossroads in his life and he has a decision to make.
Follow Logan on his journey where he battles with his own sexuality.
Can he accept who he truly is?
Will his friends and family still be there for him?

The Nerd: 
Chris is a Nerd, who loves everything that tests his brain. There is only one thing that baffles him… women.
Olivia spent years in an abusive relationship with James. She is scarred both physically and mentally. The only good thing to come out of their relationship is their son Jack. There is only one problem… James refuses to allow Olivia to live in peace and he will do anything to make her life hell, even if that means killing her.
Follow Chris and Olivia’s road to love. Can they survive all that life, and James, has to throw at them?

My Journey: Living With Metastatic Breast Cancer:  
2017 was one of the hardest times of my life. It was the year I was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer.
In this book I lay everything bare and tell you what it is really like living with cancer.

Someone Like You: 
Maisie Mitchell isn’t great with people. This isn’t helped when a weirdo sits next to her on the bus. Ben Metcalf is that weirdo.
Ben has spent his entire adult life as a bit of a player. He never wanted to settle down. He never wanted any type of relationship, other than a one night stand. That is, until he sits next to Maisie on the bus and makes a fool out of himself.
Ben becomes obsessed, wanting to know more about this mystery woman. Whilst Maisie tries to avoid ever using public transport again.
Finally Ben tracks Maisie down, and his constant pestering leads to him somehow persuading Maisie to go on a date. The problem is, Ben's best friend also had a thing for Maisie. This leads to an attack that jeopardises Ben ever getting close to Maisie.
But who really is Maisie, and what secret is she hiding?
Ben wants Someone Like Her, but does Maisie want Someone Like Him?


About Lavinia Urban:

Lavinia is an award-winning, multi-genre author, who originally grew up in Cheshire and now lives in a small village just outside of Edinburgh with her husband and two children.

Writing has always been something that Lavinia have loved since an early age.

Over the years Lavinia has faced many obstacles but this has only spurred her on. In 2017 Lavinia was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer. She has chosen to not let this define her, if anything it has given her the drive to do more.
Interview With  Lavinia Urban:
1. Can you tell us a little about your books? 
I write a vast variety of books, which is a joy. I love being a multi-genre author as it means there is a little something for everyone. I have also written a lot, so it is hard to be specific and talk about each individual books. I have YA Paranormal/Fantasy series', such as Erin the Fire Goddess (the first book is free to download) and the Alimanti series. I have books to make you laugh - both fiction and non-fiction. I have self-help. There are so many. 2018 was big on the Romance side of things.

2. What inspires you to write? 
Everything and anything. Sometimes things come to me in dreams and other times it is from people watching, which is one of my favourite pastimes. My life also inspires me to write. Funny thing, for a very long time I have been asked to write about my life, maybe even turn it into a novel and change the main character names, etc. I kept saying no. Then 2017 happened and several people approached me. These were readers, friends, etc. These were people who may not have had cancer but they been effected somehow. They don't know exactly what goes on but they want to. They want to understand more. They want to be even more in tune with friends and relatives that they care for. So, they asked me if I would keep a journal and release it if I felt comfortable. To most people, they all thought I was open, because a lot of the time I look as though I am open. Don't get me wrong, this journal is brutally honest but I still held things back. But then a month or so ago, I kind of got a few things off my chest, mainly because I was struggling to stay focused and positive and I needed to release a few things. I took so many people by surprise. But it was a chance for me to say 'okay, I will write this second journal, but be warned... this is going to be dark.'

3. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? 
Since becoming a full-time Indie author in 2012, I have released over twenty books, but I have been writing off/on for twenty-nine years. Most are solo and others are collaborations with other authors. As for favourite... that's a tough one. As a series, I love The Dating Game series as it is hilarious to write and also have a unique twist where there are TWO second books. Then there is Someone Like You, which is a standalone. I really enjoyed this book. It feels fresh and different to anything I have written before.

4. Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured? 
My favourite time to write is at night but when I in my zone it can be anywhere, at any time. It also depends on what I am doing. For example, I homeschool. So my daughter's education comes first. Then there is the fact that I live with Metastatic Breast Cancer. So some years I will fight and others I won't. 2019 is a fighting year, which means my family and medical staff fight me to relax.

 5. Do you work with an outline, or just write? 
A little combination of both. Of it is a series I have already started then there tends to be am outline in place. Other times I just let the characters dictate. This is the fun way as it means that I get surprised by what the characters are doing too. It often makes my husband laugh. He'll ask what so funny and I will point at the page I am working on and say that so-and-so just did xyz.

6.  If you could be friends with one of your character, which one would you chose? 
Ooo now initially I thought Miasie from Someone Like You but Rita from The Dating Game series is hilarious. Plus she is a global best-selling author who I could learn a thing or two from, lol. My editor often says that Rita is an extension of who I am.

7. If you had a superpower, what would it be? 
I've always said telekinesis because there are just some days when i am just too lazy. But... I wouldn't mind the ability to cure diseases.

8. What  writing projects are you currently working on? 
I currently have almost twenty on the go. I had 2019 all planned out. I was going to work so hard but my health has got in the way. 

9For someone who hasn't read any of you books yet, which one would you suggest they read first?
I would first of all ask what home of genre they would be interested in reading, because I am a multi-genre author.


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