Sunday, March 4, 2018

Featured Author C.J. Rose

Welcome Today's Featured Author
C.J. Rose!!

***Bridge of the Gods***Bridge of the Gods is the first book in the Generation Chronicles series.  It focuses on Luthor and Gwen.  Here is the blurb: Luthor McAlester is a teenage boy living in San Diego, California. His father died when he was a child. Leaving him to become man of the house, living with his mother and younger sister. On his 18th birthday he discovers a power that has been held dormant until now. He is unsure what to do with it in the absence of this father’s guidance. His best friend Gwen, who claims to be oblivious, knows more than she is telling. Can Luthor figure out how to use his power and help the Gods like they ask with just the help of his best friend? Or will the lack of guidance from his father prove to be more than young Luthor can handle?


Interview C.J. Rose:

1. Can you tell us a little about your books?  
***Bridge of the Gods***
Bridge of the Gods is the first book in the Generation Chronicles series.  It focuses on Luthor and Gwen.  Here is the blurb: Luthor McAlester is a teenage boy living in San Diego, California. His father died when he was a child. Leaving him to become man of the house, living with his mother and younger sister. On his 18th birthday he discovers a power that has been held dormant until now. He is unsure what to do with it in the absence of this father’s guidance. His best friend Gwen, who claims to be oblivious, knows more than she is telling. Can Luthor figure out how to use his power and help the Gods like they ask with just the help of his best friend? Or will the lack of guidance from his father prove to be more than young Luthor can handle?
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***Coming Soon***
Book 2 (To Rescue a King)-France, 1633; a time when ladies wore tight corsets, men’s boots came to their knees, and weaponry was a common accessory. In book 2 To Rescue a King, Come along with Luthor and Gwen as they travel back to a world here hygiene wasn’t the greatest, but parties were incredible.  Fresh off the battle with Hera, Luthor finds himself teaming up with four of history’s most loyal and trusted men. With a new team of heroes, it’s a race to the finish in order to save the one true king.                                                                             
Book 3 (To Bring Him Home)-In the final installment of the Generation Son series, Luthor finds himself venturing to the one place he would never expect... Camelot. Here he will see the true nature of his destiny and what it means to be the Traveler. With every moment that passes, he will second guess every decision, and reconsider his future options.  No matter what the outcome, he will have Gwen by his side and his knights of the round table.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ***The Ultimate Companion Cookbook***
You will find some of yummiest recipes this side of the dimension. Each Character, each book, each actor, and each staff member has a recipe dedicated to them. Each chapter is a different adventure, from soups and salads, to desserts and drinks. Dive into the bbq lamb chops, or tale a sip of the magic cocktail. Each one will entice your taste buds and bring you to a new world full of tastes and smells.
2.What inspires you to write? 
A lot of the older writers such as Edgar Allen Poe, Jane Austen, and Mary Shelley. 
3.Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured? 
Because I work full time too, writing is usually when I have time. 
4. Do you have a favorite food or drink you must have nearby when writing?
 Water usually. Sometime when I am feeling snacky I'll have chips or peanut M&Ms
5. Do you have a favorite spot to write? 
If I am just taking notes on what I will be writing there is a place called Perry Farm that has a walking path, picnic tables, etc. and is very peaceful in the spring and summer. If I am full on writing, I am at my desk. 
6. Do you listen to music while you write? 
Not usually. For me, I need the quiet to concentrate. The only other noise besides me typing is my quaker parrot. 
7. If your fairy godmother waved her wand and whisked you away to the location of your choice, which place would you choose, and why? 
Scotland, Ireland, England, or Italy. It's a hard choice. I love the land and the people. I joke that I wish I could move there one day. 
8. What are writing projects are you currently working on?
 I just turned in book two to my editor. Nook 3 is now in the process of being reworked before sending that to them too, but that won't be till some time next year maybe. I do have the cookbook finished as well, unless I decide to add any more recipes. 

About C.J. Rose

I am RoseAnn Labriola, penning as C.J. Rose. I write YA Fantasy Fiction that tends to be heavy in literary and mythological history. I am currently working on the Generation Chronicles Series. I was born and raised here in Illinois, not far from Chicago. I am a hairstylist, with a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. I have always loved writing, whether it was poems, song lyrics or stories. I decided it was time to sit down and put my thoughts to paper of a story concept I have played with for long time. In the process, it developed into the full length version that I am proud to call my first published book, Bridge of the Gods – A Generation Son Chronicle. Now I have 3 novels in the series as well as a companion cookbook.

Twitter- @generationson
Tumbler- generationson
Snapchat- lovely1078

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