Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Featured Author Kassidy Carter

 Welcome Today's Featured Author
Kassidy Carter!!!


When Payton’s abusive boyfriend takes things too far, she has no other choice than to turn to her brothers’ best friend and local cop, Hunter. He is the last person Payton thought she could trust to help her, but he may end up being the perfect one.

Hunter has always treated Payton like a little sister. He’s kept her at arm’s length while hiding his true feelings. When he finds out the abuse Payton has been hiding from everyone, he makes it his job to make sure she’s safe.

Spending so much time together brings the two closer and feelings start to change. Will Hunter be able to keep Payton safe from danger? Or will love get in the way and hurt them both?


Everlasting is on sale right now for .99 cents
 Buy Link-  Amazon

Forever Lasting ( Everlasting 2)

Forever Lasting ( Everlasting 2)

James story
Coming Soon

Author Bio:

Kassidy Carter lives in Florida with her Husband and two daughters. You can normally find a book in her hands or doing activities with her daughters. She has a passion for reading and will read just about anything. Her favorite kind of stories to read are one's with happy endings. She has always wanted to write, but the fear of getting started and not being good enough has stopped her...until now.
Stalker Links:

Interview with Kassidy Carter:

1. Can you tell us a little about your books?
Everlasting is Payton and Hunters story. Payton is in an abusive relationship. Her brothers and Hunter have warned her about Keegan but she doesn’t listen. He boyfriend takes it a little too far one night and Hunter is there to save the day. Hunter is a cop, and also her brother Matt’s best friend. They both have had feelings for each other. But never acted on those feelings until now.
When I first started Everlasting it was going to be the only book. Then I had a lot of people ask me if I was going to write James story. James is Payton’s very protective older brother. I got the idea for the second book in the series within days of being asked about James.
Forever Lasting if James story. I am working on it right now. James is in the United States Marines and is overcoming some of the emotional wounds of war. I don’t want to give too much away on it because I am in the middle of writing it. Just be prepared with some tissue. It’s a sad story but don’t worry I believe in Happy Ever After.

2. Do you have a favorite character to write about?
Hunter was my favorite to write just because I was able to use my schooling with his career. James has since taken is place. James is caring and just gives you the feels. I grew up being a military brat and I married into the military.

3. Do you have a favorite spot to write?
My cousin and I are in the middle of writing a book together that the lead male is on the football team at their college. Other than that I am not sure if I will be writing any other sports books.
4. Do you listen to music while you write?
I love listening to music when I write. I am what I call a music whore. I like all kinds of music so every day is something different. I range from Beethoven to Nine inch nails. I am all over the place with music.
5. What's one random fact about yourself that you can share?
I am a huge Lord of the Rings, Transformers, and Marvel. I have an Autobot Tattoo and my daughters buy me Avenger action figured for gifts. I have the whole collection pretty much lol.

6. When did you know you wanted to write a book?
I played with the idea for years but never wanted to put myself out there. I am dyslexic and tend to shy away when it comes to showing people my writing. Everlasting was finished and sat for a year before I finally told myself I needed to just publish it. I really have to thank my best friend Tanya for it because she pushed me to release it and was a big cheerleader during the whole experience.
7. Are you attending an book signing events this year?
I might be attending one in Ohio in October, The Queen of the West Book Bash. It’s up in the air right now just because my husband is military and it’s hard to plan far ahead.

8. What writing projects are you currently working on?
I am working on Forever Lasting. I also have three more Ideas that are itching to be started. I might try and write something a little darker next.

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