Through my studies and teaching, I fell in love with the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Now, I hope to inspire young readers and those Young-at-Heart to read more through my Tales and Legends for Reluctant Readers set in these worlds.
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When 15-year-old Rosa agrees to help the ghost of King Tut find his lost queen Hesena, she doesn't count on falling for him.
Once back in
Ancient Egypt, Rosa discovers that finding Hesena if not all she must do and is
not as easy as she thought it would be, even though she carries part of the
lost queen in her soul. She must also keep out of the reach of the living
Horemheb—who crosses mortal boundaries using Seth's evil magic—if she is to
stay alive to make it back

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‘Touch me, Roosa. You will see I’m real enough.’
Touch him? Is he as crazy as I am? Okay, so I’m going to touch him, just
for my own peace of mind.
I reach out my hand, fingers extended, trying to reach him but not move
from the wall. A crooked smile appears on his face. He takes a couple of steps
forward, reaches out and touches me.
Lightning heat shoots out from him, races up my arm, switches direction
and dives into my stomach. I snatch my hand back and grab my belly with both
hands. The burning sensation knocks my knees out from under me. I slump to the
floor, still leaning on the wall. The room spins, and my head swims. Tears
mixed with stars blur my vision so there is no focusing. Not enough air in
here; my chest tightens as if the lungs inside are ready to explode.
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