Friday, February 1, 2019

Release Blitz for THE LIFE WE WANTED by Kelsey Kingsley

Title: The Life We Wanted
Author: Kelsey Kingsley
Genre: Contemporary Romance
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Sebastian Moore thought he had it all.
A drumming gig with one of the world’s biggest up-and-coming stars. The looks and charm to get 
him any woman he laid his eyes on. All the friends he could ever ask for.
But something was always missing.
That is, until he receives a letter, telling him that he’s a father to a fifteen-year-old boy.
Now, with the addition of his son, a love interest he never expected, and a whole new set of 
responsibilities, Sebastian finds himself happier than he’s ever been.
But old habits die hard, and when life finally gives him everything he wanted, he’ll have to find a way 
to keep his past from ruining the present.


Review by Gia:
I loved this one.  Kelsey Kingsley is a new to me author.  I was on the edge whether to read this one or not but ultimately I did read it and loved it.   Tabitha (Tabby) has had a rough year.  She's lost her parents and sister and is now raises her nephew, Greyson.  While looking at her sister's old stuff
she finds letter from Greyson's Dad, Sebastain.   We get to read those letters too and boy are
they heart string pulling.  Sebastain is swoon worthy.   He's in a band and a little unfiltered.  You
never know what he's going to say.  Tabby and Sebastain seem like night and day but they have
a connection.  They both turn each others life upside down.  The navigate sharing Greyson
and more.  I loved these two together.  They have ups and downs that had e hooked to see
how it would end.  I enjoyed all of the secondary characters too, except Roman I didn't like him very much.  
5 Amazeballs Stars!

About the Author
When I was a wee lassie, I was told by my preschool teachers that I was a natural at storytelling.
 When I was just a little older than that, an old friend's mother said to me, "Kelsey, one day your 
books are going to be on the shelves at the library."

Well, Diane, I don't know if my books are ever going to be on the shelves of libraries, but I'm sure 
as hell going to try.

When I'm not writing stories destined to be bestsellers, I enjoy devouring TV shows, listening to 
every type of music there is and going to concerts, reading pretty much anything (with a soft spot 
for romance and certain books located in 18th century Scotland), obsessing over makeup, and 
pretending to workout.

I also have a fondness for cats, my family, tattoos, and a really good French fry.

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