Saturday, February 2, 2019

Blog Tour for Breathe Into Me by Ruby Rowe

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✫Genre: Contemporary/Supernatural Romance

✫Cover Designer: Just Write. Creations / JM Walker

✫Photography: RLS Models and Photography / Randy Sewell

✫Cover Model: Justin Rich

。✯✼ BLURB ✼✯。

Losing my brother was my breaking point. 
After years of disappointment and pain, never again was I letting someone penetrate my heart.
As long as I could still play my drums, I would tolerate the bullshit that came with being a member of the band Borrowed Faith.
What I didn’t see coming was a redheaded angel, her name true to her looks. 
Apple was the epitome of forbidden fruit, too special for someone like me. 
Her rock legend father made it crystal clear. 
More importantly, so did my head. 
My heart should’ve listened. 
The angel should’ve, too. 
I knew the demons in me would destroy her.


Review by Gia:
Breathe Into Me in a good read.  There's a lot stuff going on in this story.  It's not a light fluffy read and deals with some deep topics and some interesting topics.   Apple is the daughter of a famous rock star, Dex.  Dex has managed to keep her shelter and away from the public eye.   Apple is sweet and nice.   She's unique and has a special talent.  I totally loved the aspect her special talent brings to the story.   She's tagging along with Borrowed Faith to interview them for a story.   The band members of Borrowed Faith are kind of an emotional mess.   Apple and Zian know each other form before and they have this weird friend connection.   Zian and Apple help each other out but Tripp is who Apple really wants to help.   Tripp lost his brother and since then he changed.  He's grumpy and angry a lot.  Apple comes in and changes things.  We get to see a nice side of Tripp at some points.   I really liked this one but at the end I still wanted to know a little more.  The next book in the series says it based on Zain but I'm hoping that we get a little more of some of the stuff that happened in this story too.
4 Amazeballs Stars!

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