Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Featured Author: Megan Lowe

Welcome Today's Featured Author
Megan Lowe!!

Breaking the Cycle.
The Ryans have always had exceptionally bad luck in love. Reed Ryan avoided it by never falling in love, but meeting Bria Adams threatens all the boundaries he's put in place. 

With a rival racing team at his door and his family's 'curse' always in the background, Reed knows he must overcome his fears in order to protect the woman who's found a place in his heart.

Will Bria succumb to the misfortune that seems to befall the women in love with the Ryan men? Or will she be the one to finally break the cycle?

Page count: 270
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Sport romance

Amazon Universal: http://authl.it/5ru

No Place to Hide.

What happens when the one person you truly hate is the one person who really sees you?

After McKnley Rhodes’s family fell apart, she struck out at Cole Matthews, her then best friend. Over twenty years later, she’s never forgotten the hurt she endured or the hate for the boy she believed caused it.

Cole Matthews hasn’t seen his childhood friend, McKnley Rhodes, for twenty-two years, and what he finds shocks him. She’s tired and beaten down, and he wants to fix that, just as he used to when they were kids. Cole’s the only one who can see she’s putting on an act by embracing her rock star persona. His new goal is to determine why and put an end to her torment. 

Will McKnley let him in or will he leave her with no place to hide?

Page Count: 257 pages
Genre: Contemporary romance/sports romance/rockstar romance

Breaking Away

To the outside world, Mav Ryan is living the dream. With a high profile and successful FMX career, it’s something Mav knows a million guys would kill to have. But not him. He yearns for something different, something more.

Aubrey James has had enough of bad boys to last a lifetime. When her brother, Josh, brings home the heavily tattooed definition of a bad boy, Mav, she wants nothing to do with him. It's not until a shadow from Aubrey’s past threatens her future, that to her surprise, Mav steps in.

But can he fight her demons as well as his own? Or will Mav realise that sometimes breaking away can lead to finding your home?

Page count: 225 pages
Genre: Contemporary romance/sports romance

Breaking Down

Genre: Contemporary romance, sports, New Adult

*When a hot BMX champion butts head with a woman who could kick his arse, it’s only a matter of time before the gloves are off and the heat is on.*

What happens when the unexpected flips your world upside down?

That’s the question Jax Ryan must answer when everything he knows and loves is tipped on its head. Adjusting to his new reality is not easy. Throw in the woman of his dreams, who won’t even give him the time of day, and Jax is out of his element.

Bentley La Roche is tough. She’s a fighter, literally. In her spare time, she can be found with the best MMA fighters on the Gold Coast. But she’s guarded and has no interest in getting involved with anyone, especially Jax Ryan.

But when things go from bad to worse for Jax, Bentley’s walls are no match for her desire to help him. Breaking down is easy. It’s the rebuild that’s hard, but so much fun.

About Megan Lowe:
Megan Lowe is a lost journalism graduate who after many painful years searching for a job in that field, decided if she couldn’t write news stories, she would start listening to the characters whispering stories to her and decided to write them down.  She writes primarily New Adult/Contemporary Romance stories with Sport and Music themes. She is based on the Gold Coast but her heart belongs to New York City. When she’s not writing she’s either curled up with a good book, travelling or screaming at the TV willing her sporting teams to pull out the win.

Author links:

Interview  With Megan Lowe:

1. Can you tell us a little about your books?
My books are Australian contemporary sports romances. They're all based around the same team and family who have incredibly strong bonds. The guys are tattooed, hot, and not afraid to show the woman they love that they're going to treat them right. The women are strong, sassy, and more than able to put their men in their place if they get out of line. There's also a dash of humour and adrenaline.

2. What inspires you to write?
Combinations that you don't see a lot of. I like mixing things you wouldn't expect, or shedding light on some areas that don't a lot of books written about them, like racing bikes. Also, my characters inspire me. They start talking and don't stop until I write their story

3.  Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
I'd love to spend all day writing, but alas, that doesn't happen. I spend the first half of my day writing, or trying to write. That's usually about five or six hours if I'm good. The second half is my "normal" life with a "normal" job.

4. Do  you have a favorite food or drink you must have nearby when writing?
I have a container of gummy candy near me and I drink flavoured water by the litre at the moment. It's summer in Australia so it's hot!!

5. Do you have a favorite spot to write?
My favourite spot is in my study. It's down the end of the house so it's away from everyone else.

6.  What's one random fact about yourself that you can share?
I'm an only child and a stationary addict.

7. If your fairy godmother waved her wand and whisked you away to the location of your choice, which place would you choose, and why?
I'd choose New York. It's my favourite city in the whole world (not that I've been to every city but you know what I mean!). I love being there. I've been five times and now it feels so familiar to me, almost like home. What I love is that you can get everything there, every neighbourhood is so different. I also love that I feel like the world is at the tip of my fingers there, that I feel like I can do anything, be anything while I'm there.
It's also a lot closer to some of my best friends (who are spread out in America) so that would be a bonus!

8. What are writing projects are you currently working on?
I'm currently working on a M/M YA book at the moment. I'm classifying it as mature YA. I don't know if that's really a thing but I'm saying it is.
I'm also planning two of the last three Rocking Racers novels, which is a bittersweet thing for me. I never thought I'd write one book, let alone a series, and to be planning two of the three I have planned? It's crazy!
Plus, there's always a million story ideas running through my head at any one time, but I'm trying to stick to these for the moment!

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