Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Featured Author: M.E. Gordon

Welcome Today's Featured Author 
M.E. Gordon!


A tale as old as time—a girl, tall and wispy, hair the color of the sun, eyes as blue as the sky, caught in a love triangle with the noblest of men…Not in this book honey!

Okay so maybe I am caught up in a love triangle, but I’m sure as hell not running through a field of daisies in a sun dress. My name is Elizabeth and I’ve managed to avoid men for most of my life. I wasn’t a nun by any means, but I know what the hot guys want—and it usually isn’t me. How I got myself involved in a love triangle with one sexy photographer and a millionaire bachelor, who had women worshiping the ground he walked on,is beyond me. Yet, here I am, attempting to navigate waters that I’ve never expected to. Trying to figure out which man was right for me, dealing with my family—and have I told you about the paparazzi? Well, it’s all really making me rethink the situation. Who do I trust? Who’s being genuine? What should I do if both men are perfect for me in different ways? How the hell am I supposed to choose just one? Or better yet do I have to choose just one?
About M.E. Gordon
M.E. Gordon, was born and raised in Maryland, where she still resides with her husband. She is a stay at home mom to four children, three boys and one very, spoiled, little girl, all under the age of five. Growing up M.E.G. was an avid journal writer. She wrote her first romance novel at the age of 14, and it was pretty bad, but over the years and through all the kids she honed her craft. When M.E.G. doesn't have her mom hat on, you can find her reading, working on her next story or watching guilty pleasure television.  

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Interview With M.E. Gordon:

1. Can you tell us a little about your book?
Torn Hearts is my very first book baby. I wanted to write a book that women could relate too. I wanted the reader to be able to really put herself in my main girls size 12 curvey figure. I wanted them to hurt with her, feel silly with her and love with her. 
2. How did you choose the genre you write in? 
I didn't really choose the genre, I kind of fell into it. I love a love story and this one happened to take place in the modern day. I love writing for 'new adults' I love that span in your life where you are figuring yourself out and coming into who you really want to be. 
3. Where do you get your ideas? 
 I get my ideas from all around me, people I meet, places I see and even songs that I listen to.
4. What do you do when you are not writing? 
When I'm not writing I'm a mom, I drive the kids to school, sit at sporting events, go grocery shopping. When I'm not doing that you can find me curled up on the couch watching TV. I'm a huge TV junkie.  
5. Do you have a favorite spot to write? 
 I always write in my in house office. It's quiet but I can still keep an ear out for the kids.
6. If  you could spend 24 hours as a fictional character, who would you chose?  
I think that I would choose Elizabeth Monroe from Torn Hearts because she is strong and a independent woman. Plus she's shaking up with some really hot guys!
7. Do you work with an outline, or just write?  
Depends. Sometime it just comes to me and I let the characters decide what is going to happen next. Then there are other times where I have to plot or outline things so I don't miss anything or forget to add critical parts.
8. What's one random fact about yourself that you can share?  
I have a wicked phobia of Whales. I don't like them, I don't want to watch cool videos of them, don't even ask me to watch Free Willy, they scare the living crap out of me. 

9. What are you working on next? 
Currently I'm working on the sequel to Torn Hearts but I'm hoping that by the end of the year my next book called Make Me Stay will be out for the world to read. It's different from Torn Hearts yet both stories are happening in the same world. Make Me Stay is about a wild Rock band trying to make it big. I know everyone is going to love it and I can't wait to share the cover with you guys!  

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