Monday, December 8, 2014

Blog Tour for Oceans Collide by M.A. DeOlmos

Title: Oceans Collide
Series: Oceans #1
Author: M.A. DeOlmos
 Release Date: November 1, 2013


You will fall in love with this amazing trio. This book contains not one but TWO heart-warming, swoon worthy, and panty-melting book boyfriends. Go ahead. Lawrence & Ocean Hawthorne are anxiously waiting for you to sink your teeth into them…careful though…they just might bite back! ;)


For years, Livie Acosta has lived in a sheltered bubble, avoiding people, along with any aspect of life that requires one to show emotion. Not to mention her decision to stay close to her mother has her leaving the comfort of her own home nearly on a nightly basis to save her mother time and time again. It takes the sudden death of her mother to force Livie out into the world in search for a new purpose. Upon this forced quest she immediately meets one of two souls that are going to rock her world into a new dimension.

Lawrence Hawthorne knows pain, grief, and emotions period, all too well. Despite his carefree nature and easy going personality he also harbors some tough demons that immediately draw him to Livie. It doesn't take long to recognize the deeply seeded pain that resides in her own soul and that leads Lawrence to call on his right hand man for help in protecting her. 

As soon as Ocean Hawthorne steps onto the scene, Livie's world... the void world she's known since forever changes in a way that threatens to expose her secret. The Hawthorne cousins, vow to protect her from her self-destructive qualities amidst the angst, pain, and trials they all individually go through. Desperately they hold onto each other for support and as love and passion blossom it threatens to destroy the weak foundation of solitude that Livie has strived so hard to achieve. Will the intrusion of two beautiful and tortured souls finally be enough to induce the strength Livie needs to fight her demons, or will their love and devotion finally push her far enough to make the deepest cut she'd ever been forced to make?

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Also Available

#2 Oceans Submerged


#3 Hawthorne's Calm



Oceans Collide review by Gia:
I didn't read the blurb for this book, I just picked it up and began reading. By the title I thought it was going to be some sort of paranormal mermaid story. Right after I started reading I realized it was not a paranormal book. The book starts with Livie and Law's points of views. Law mentions his cousin Ocean. That's when I was like, "Oh I understand the title now."

Ocean's Collide is a great book and it will not disappoint you. This book was amazing. It hooked me right from the beginning. This story has three POVs. We get Livie, Law, and Ocean's POV. It was really great to get into all three of their heads. Livie is a really strong character who has to deal with a lot of painful events in her life. She deals with her pain by cutting herself. Law and Ocean are both MMA trained fighters and have also had to deal with a lot of painful events. Before meeting Livie, he buries his pain in women and drugs.

Livie meets Law, when is applies to work at his new gym. Ocean and Law are cousins. Law has Ocean come to help him, and that's how Ocean meet Livie. They all need each to help themselves with the pain in their lives. Law and Livie's relationship is like a brother and sister relationship. While Ocean and Livie's relationship is very hot!

It's starts with a gut-wrenching scene and ends with a gut-wrenching scene. I didn't expect the ending, it was crazy. M. A. DeOlmos did a wonderful job writing this story and I can't wait for the next one Ocean's Submerged. This is a definite must read but make sure you have time to read it because once you start it you won't want to put it done until the end. 

5 Amazeballs Stars!!

Ocean Submerged Review by Gia:
I loved Ocean Submerged this is book two in the Oceans Series. It is not a stand alone. you must read Oceans Collide first. Ocean Submerged started where Oceans Collide left off.

I fell in love with Law, Ocean, and Livie in Ocean Collide and was glad to get more of them in this story. It's told in all of their points of view. They are awesome characters and love that we get to get into their heads. I love that they have an instant connection to each other. Law and Livie have a brother sister relationship, while Livie and Ocean have a steamy relationship.

Ocean and Livie go through a lot in this book. Both are broken and this book I feel as though they work on putting the broken pieces back together.

There are new characters introduced in this book. Law gets a love interest in this book. She is perfect for him. I love how when Livie meets her she know that she will be perfect for Law.

Towards the end there are some really great moments. You think everything is going to be fine then M.A. DeOlmos throws in a twist with a minor cliffhanger. I can't wait to read more.

5 Amazeballs Stars!!!!




I walked into the plane’s restroom and leaned my back against the door. I started thinking about the shit I used to do with random chicks on my flights when I was competing. I pretty much fucked them anywhere and everywhere I wanted, but this time they weren’t the ones I was thinking about bending over. It was Liv.
Seeing her pissed and wanting to beat the crap out of that girl made my dick rock hard. I whipped out my hard dick and forced myself to take a piss. It hurt like a bitch, but I couldn’t go back out there with a hard on.
I washed my hands and then my face with cold water. I took several deep breaths before opening the door and when I did, the chubby flight attendant was standing there.
I looked up and Liv had her headphones back on.
“You positive I can’t help you?”
“Listen. I appreciate it, but if you don’t want my girl to get up and sweep the isle with you, I suggest you back off.”
The expression on her face would have made me feel bad before, but now I didn’t give two shits. She got my point and stormed off. When she walked passed my seat she slapped the back of it intentionally and I saw Liv’s head snap in her direction. She slowly removed her headphones and froze. The flight attendant looked over her shoulder at Liv and rolled her eyes.
Oh shit… Liv was getting up!
I just about ran back to my seat, catching her by her belt and pulling her back.
“Let go,” she hissed at me between her teeth.
I pulled her closer. “I have to use the bathroom. Let me go.”
“Yeah…okay, I’m not Law baby.”
 She narrowed her smoky eyes at me and twisted herself back in her seat. With her arms folded across those perky ass breasts, she stared at the back of the flight attendant’s head.
I wanted to laugh because she was behaving the same way I would have if it were the other way around and that meant something. It meant she claimed me for herself as I did to her. Even if she couldn’t admit to it now, I knew she did.
To see how far I could go with her, I slipped my hand between her thighs and nestled it close to her pussy. I wrapped my thumb around palming her thigh and used it to message the side of her thigh.
She slowly arched her back into the seat, pulling my hand in deeper letting me feel the heat radiating out of her body.
She uncrossed her arms and let them fall to her sides. I turned my head and looked down at her. Her breathing was slow and steady.
I leaned in closer and whispered in her ear, “Give me your phone, baby.”
She calmly reached into her back pocket, careful not to dislodge my hand and passed me her phone. I took it with my free hand.
I loved the way she obeyed my commands. Without a word… without a fight.

Author Bio

My name is Melissa De Olmos, it's quite a mouth-full but that's me. I live in the sunny, tropical and extremely too tranquil city of Palm Bay, Florida with my two lovely crazies’ ages six and three. I could say that writing novels has been a passion that I've always pursued but I can't. Writing for me has always been my own secret escape into a land of wonders, opportunities, timeless loves and so much trouble that I sometimes wonder if I need medication for the stories that pop into my head. I am in love--no-- I am obsessed with everything mystical, fantasy, true to a reader’s heart, and fiction. It has been an enormous pleasure and indescribable experience sharing my Oceans Series with the world and I cannot wait to fill this world with more crazy for you awesome people to devour.

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