
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Blog Tour for Ocean Submerged by M.A. DeOlmos

Twenty-seven year old Ocean Hawthorne thought he’d known loss and pain when his twin sister Stormie died. It was his fault the world would no longer see her beautiful smile or hear her captivating laughter. The former world champion in the vicious world of MMA fighting thought he’d been through the worst and has now carried that guilt and pain with him since. Then he met Livie Acosta. The moment he laid his eyes on the exotic beauty, he was hooked. In that split second of looking into her wild and hurt eyes, his heart began to beat again. He knew then that he would never be able to let her go… but was that the right thing for him to do? Because yet again, Ocean found himself surrounded by a familiar darkness, a pain so strong that even breathing hurt, and living felt impossible. He’d pushed too far in the effort to love and help her, and now… now he didn’t know if he’d ever see her again. Lawrence Hawthorne has been through the ringer when it came to hurt and disappointment, but nothing could have prepared him for the possibility of losing Livie. He’d just found her and now—well, now he didn’t know what to think. To him, Livie was more than just a girl, more than just a friend. To Law, Livie was someone he needed to help and protect, even from herself, and he’d failed that simple task. Will the Hawthorne cousins who have sworn to protect Livie survive her selfish act, or will they crumble, yet again? 


He pushed my hand off his shoulderslamming the carton on the table in front of him. I reached for him again, and this time he was ready to talk. He grabbed my wrist bending it backwards while pulling me around him.Grabbing the back of my head he slammed it into the table. My eyesight went black before it came back with fuzzy colors. I felt the heat from my bloody nose flowing down my mouth onto the table. I groaned from the instant pain shooting from my nose up to my brain. Grabbing my nose,I stumbled trying to stand, when a fist flew up and slammed into me on the jaw, sending me flying backwards hitting the floor.
Fuck me if I didn't want to return the conversation he was having with my face, but I knew he needed to do this. So I let him. He picked me up by the collar of my shirt bringingme up, steadying me, as he pulled back and punched me in the bridge of my nose again. Overand over, he pulled me up at least a dozen times punching me, until with the last punch he fell on to the ground with me. I grabbed at my bloody face as I crawled into myself on the floor. Damn the boy could punch the hell out of people when he wanted to. I never knew another fighter whose fist landed as precise and heavy as his.
I opened my mouth letting the blood pool into my mouth, since I couldn't breathe through my busted up nose. Law sat up, resting his back against the couch as he kicked the back of my legaway from him. "Sit the fuck up asshole; you said you wanted to talk, so talk!"
He flung his shirt at me hitting me in theface. I picked it up balling it up against my nose. My head was throbbing and my pulse was about to make my head explode. Once I finally sat up, I pulled the shirt away from my bloody mouth to talk.
"I'm sorry Lawrence. I shouldn't have threatened you like that. I would never wish that on you...I just lost it. It hurt letting her go, and it hurts now. I love her and I love you. I can't lose either of you, because if I do it'll be me you'reputting six feet under next to Stormie."

Review by Gia:
I loved Ocean Submerged This is book two in the Oceans Series.  It is not a stand alone.  you must read Oceans Collide first.  Ocean Submerged started where Oceans Collide left off.  
I fell in love with Law, Ocean, and Livie in Ocean Collide and was glad to get more of them in this story.  It's told in all of their points of view.   They are awesome characters and love that we get to get into their heads.   I love that they have an instant connection to each other.   Law and Livie have a brother sister relationship, while Livie and Ocean have a steamy relationship.  
Ocean and Livie go through a lot in this book.  Both are broken and this book I feel as though they work on putting the broken pieces back together. 
There are new characters introduced in this book.  Law gets a love interest in this book.  She is perfect for him.  I love how when Livie  meets her she know that she will be perfect for Law.  
Towards the end there are some really great moments.  You think everything is going to be fine then M.A. DeOlmos throws in a twist with a minor cliffhanger.  I can't wait to read more.  
5 Amazeballs Stars!!!  

Meet the Author
Author Picture
My name is Melissa DeOlmos, a newbie to the world of indie writing. I live in sunny side Palm Bay, Florida with my two lovely crazies ages five and two, along with my Law Enforcement champ of a husband. I could say that writing novels has been a passion that I've always pursued, but I can't. Writing for me has always been my own secret escape into a land of wonders, opportunities, loves and so much trouble that I sometimes wonder if I need medication for the stories that pop into my head. I am now deciding to share my mystical mind and stories with the world, so that hopefully others may also find that little something extra they've been looking for. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy my books.

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