
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Great Summer Reads Countdown Blitz Day 15

Russ Wallace is a long-time student of history and religion. He employs a vivid imagination to fill in the life of Zenobia, a real historical figure and one of the most fascinating women who ever lived. 

He is working on future books in the Zenobia Book Series. Zenobia - Birth of a Legend won a 2012 IPPY award in Historical Fiction.

In the 3rd century, a girl of uncommon abilities was born in the desert wilderness of Syria. Rescued from death by her courageous mother, Zenobia masqueraded as a boy to stay alive. She grew up to become one of the toughest, deadliest women who ever lived.

The first book in the series traces Zenobia’s life from age nine to fifteen, setting the stage for her amazing rise to power. It includes the beginnings of her legend and her budding romances.

No one who reads her captivating story will ever forget Zenobia!

The Author is putting both books in this Series on special offer on Amazon 25 - 26th of July 2018! 
·       Click the Amazon Link below to view the steeply discounted price!


As the last of twilight faded, she heard a restless stirring among the horses. All of the horses were staring past her into the darkness toward the edge of the clearing. They obviously thought they detected something. She went to instant alert, recalling a similar reaction from the night in the forest with the leopards. She peered toward the brush at the edge of the clearing, but she did not have her full night vision yet and she could see only dim outlines of vegetation. The stars were visible, but the moon was not up yet.

It seemed to her that it was unusually quiet in the brush near the clearing, but then she was very tired. She also recalled that her head was stuffy and her hearing would be less acute. She thought she heard a slight rustling of leaves, even though there was little breeze. Maybe she was imagining it. She dismissed the idea and closed her eyes for just a moment.

Suddenly she slapped herself mentally. What are you doing? she chastised. Lions took some of the flock just last night. Nap later back in the tent. She forced herself to concentrate and focus her senses as best she could. The horses grew more restless. She did not feel well and she wished she were not alone.

She wondered if a male lion would let out his thunderous hunting roar. Sometimes on a plain they would put their head down for this tactic, vibrating the soil and making it difficult to tell where the source was. This would cause panic among their prey and it would scamper in all directions, some unwittingly right to the hunters. She decided it was more likely to use stealth near a camp.

Finally as she peered forward, she caught the faint movement of a shadow. She stood up and two minutes later she detected another shadowy movement just into the brush. A strange fear crept up her spine as she realized that she and the horses were being stalked. There were only two possibilities, and both were bad. She wished she had followed her earlier impulse to move the horses deeper into the camp by the camels. For now, she could only wait.

The next sound was a low growling from somewhere. No human could make that sound, she concluded, so at least she did not have to worry about bandits. There must be a group of lions, and one was warning another out of its space even as they prepared to attack. She wanted to give her own screeching leopard yowl to at least warn the stalkers that there was another predator about. She felt it might cause the lions to hesitate. Then she reconsidered. With her sore throat she was afraid that it might convey weakness, and actually stimulate an attack. The moon peeked up above the horizon behind her. 

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