
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Great Summer Reads Countdown Blitz Day 19

Britney Mills was born in Utah but parts of her heart lie in Boston, Washington D.C. and Germany. Her love of writing began with the third grade book her teacher assigned her to write and she spent hours hidden behind her mother's couch writing pages and pages about knights and castles. Now she writes about romance. Go figure.

When she's not mothering her 4 small children, writing or reading, she's probably out playing a sport, going on a hike, or binge watching a murder mystery series. The way to her heart is through homemade chocolate chip cookies and five minutes peace.

A self-made billionaire, his real estate agent and three weeks to find the right property.
Jackson Walker hasn't had the best family life. Growing up in the foster system in Australia, it wasn’t until he met his college football coach that he understood what a normal family looked like. When he gets the call that Coach has passed away, he returns to California for the funeral and to find a place to honor the man. 

Hailey Montgomery threw herself into real estate soon after breaking up with her boyfriend nearly five years ago. She’s been working to build a name for herself and when the chance to make partner at her firm becomes available, she jumps at the chance. But the only way to achieve that distinction is to find a commercial property for the guy she’s nicknamed ‘Golden Boy’ from all the stories her father told about him. 

As spending time together brings them closer, the trust between them is called into question. Can they work through what’s happened in their individual pasts to create a relationship that will last?

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"Hailey brushed her mom’s hair for a moment and then asked, “What will you do now?”
Her mom sat up and looked at her. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, you and Dad did everything together. You traveled with him to so many games. What will you do with your time now?”
Her mom gave her a look of irritation. “I loved your father dearly, and I am so grateful for all the years we had together. But don’t think for a minute that I’ll sit and have a pity party.”
Hailey raised an eyebrow. “What do you call this?” Her mom swatted her across the shoulder.

“It’s okay to cry when you’ve lost the love of your life. And I’ll probably have moments like that down the road. But I’ve got you, Junior and Penny to worry about.” She gave Hailey a half-smile and said, “When you get married, you’ll understand what it’s like. That you give up parts of yourself to gain so many others. I’m not the same person I was before I met your father, and I’m grateful for that journey.”

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