
Friday, February 1, 2019

Release Blitz For The Sidewalk’s Regrets by Kate Larkindale

The Sidewalk’s Regrets
Seventeen-year-old Sacha McLeod isn’t looking for someone to rock her world. She just needs a new violin string to replace the one she broke while practicing her audition piece. But when she hears the boy in the music store play guitar, the energy, violence and unpredictability of the music thrills her and she falls hard for Dylan and his wild, inventive sound.

As their attraction heats up, Sacha finds herself spending less time with her violin and more time with this exciting guy who makes her feel things she’s never imagined. Her plans for her violin-virtuoso future - and her self-confidence – are shattered when she screws up the audition for a prestigious summer music program. Failure isn’t something she’s had to face before, so when Dylan asks her to spend her vacation with him in the city, she lies to her parents, pretends she won a place in the summer school, and secretly moves in with Dylan. She’s expecting romance, music and passion, but when she finds herself playing second fiddle to Dylan’s newly acquired drug habit, she realizes despite what the songs say, sometimes love isn’t all you need.

Desperate to understand what’s competing with her for Dylan’s affections, she joins his band and does drugs with him -- just once. But once become twice, three times, and more. As the band's popularity grows, so do the pressures and her drug use escalates. If Sacha can’t figure out how to leave the band, and Dylan, she’ll lose herself and her own music forever.

PublisherEvernight Teen

Review by Gia:
This one is a good read.  It's kind of a heavy read.  Sacha is a good girl who spend most of her time playing violin.   She meets Dylan at the music store.   He plays the guitar in a rock band.  They are complete opposites but have a great chemistry.   Their relationship builds quick.  Dylan's band is gaining popularity and Sacha starts giving up more of herself for Dylan.  Sacha is a very relatable girl.  At some points I just wanted to shake her and tell her not to follow Dylan.   Dylan is a good guy.  He isn't mean vicious or mean to Sacha.   They both just end up doing things they never planned on.    I liked how it all turned out for Sacha but I didn't think I got all the closure I wanted with Dylan.
4 Amazeballs Stars! 

About The Author
Having spent a lifetime travelling the globe, Kate Larkindale settled in Wellington, New Zealand fifteen years ago.  A film marketing executive and mother to two sons, she’s surprised she finds any time to write, but doesn’t sleep much.  As a result, she can usually be found hanging out by the nearest espresso machine.
She is the author of contemporary YA novels The Sidewalk’s RegretsAn Unstill Life and Stumped along with several others that no one is allowed to see. Yet. She has also written one very bad historical romance, which will likely never see the light of day. She is working on several more YA novels that may or may not ever be finished.

Her short stories have appeared in Halfway Down The Stairs, A Fly in Amber, Daily Flash Anthology, The Barrier Islands Review, Everyday Fiction, Death Rattle, Drastic Measures, Cutlass & Musket and Residential Aliens, among others.

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