
Friday, February 22, 2019

Featured Author: Rayne Elizabeth

Welcome Today's Featured Author
Rayne Elizabeth!!

If the Boot Fits 


One tragedy made Abby leave home, 
An all-new low sent her back to her small town and the people she left behind, including Josh. 
She didn’t expect to still be affected by him.

Sometimes the heart wants what it wants. 

Josh decided to remain at the only place he ever called home. 
So what if the girl of his dreams had left him behind. 
He could move past her rejection and still enjoy life. 
Yet, when she returned all those feelings rushed back to him. 

He isn’t going to make the same mistake twice. 

Join Abby and Josh on their journey of self-discovery. 
Because If the Boot Fits…you wear it.

About Rayne Elizabeth

Rayne Elizabeth grew up in a small town in south Louisiana. She is married to her high school sweetheart. They met at a local gas station after two weeks of waving at one another, you know the kind were they use to pump your gas and clean your windshield! He won her over for good after singing to her one night on stage! (That is a story you really want to hear about, I promise!) 

After working in private and public sector for a number of years, Rayne decided to pursue her real love, writing! A sucker for true love, second chance romance writing called her name. Her mantra being 'Giving Love a Second Chance Always' because if it is meant to be, it will be, no matter the bumps in the road along the way. 

Her love for writing, family, friends, coffee, and wine get her through the day, but necessarily in that order all the time. Oh, and chocolate, we can't forget chocolate!


Interview With Rayne Elizabeth

   1.     Can you tell us a little about your books?
Well, to be honest there is only one book at the moment! Lol! If the Boot Fits is a second chance romance book. I didn’t really start out to write a second chance romance, it just sort of happened that way. It was an idea that came to me, oddly enough, as I was on my morning commute to work. I wrote it in under 2 weeks staying up till all hours of the night and working as well.
You know, we all go through crazy times in our lives and Lord knows I have had my share. Boots was my outlet. It helped me deal with some things that I was dealing with in my personal life and also reminisce about some amazing memories I carry with me from my childhood.
The characters, while they are figments of my imagination, they also hold several characteristics of those I have encountered in my life.
The future…second chance romance is my first love, but I am working on a romantic comedy novella series with a dear friend of mine as well as dabbling in some a few other genres as well.

   2.     How did you come up with the title?
The title for If the Boot Fits came about when I was working as a supervisor in my former job. One of my team members wore boots. And when I say she wore boots, she literally wore a different pair of boots every day. We happen to be talking one day about her obsession and, I guess it sort of came to life after that.

   3.     When did you know you wanted to write a book?
I started writing when I was in 8th grade. So, I have always wanted to do this. I wrote plays, poems, and short stories. After I got married, I started writing songs for my husband. He has a couple of CDs that we pitched back in the day. One is a 5 song EP that I wrote all the songs that were recorded. That was really very cool! If you think about it, a song in itself tells a story. I guess that was my spring board to writing an actual book.   

   4.     Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
Right now, no I really don’t. I have very good intentions each day, but something typically derails my process. Although, just as I am doing right now, I do tend to do most of my writing and responding at night when everyone is in the bed, and I know the phone will not ring.
   5.     Do you have a favorite spot to write?
Yes, my chaise lounge I have in my bedroom is my go to place. It is the most comfy! But I have been known to write in bed, at my desk, and sitting in my living room or at the dining room table.

   6.     Do you work with an outline, or just write?
It varies. Sometimes it is just an idea, and I give in to it and let it flow. Others, like with the co-write I mentioned, we plotted and planned that out chapter by chapter. I find if I am having a hard time getting the ideas to flow, I have better success when I do work off of an outline and chapter layout. I don’t always stick to it, but it does get the juices flowing.

   7.     If you could live anywhere, where would it be? 
Funny you ask, I actually would love to live on that horse farm I wrote about in Boots. Not to that extent of course, but back in a small town where things slow down a bit. Life is so chaotic when you live in a bigger city, that thoughts can get cluttered and tamped down.
Now don’t get me wrong, I would definitely want to travel! I am a people person and love to people watch. So the farm would be my reality, but I would always need to escape to somewhere for new ideas and research!    

   8.     What writing projects are you currently working on?
Well I am currently finishing up the first book in the co-write novella series, The Princess Chronicles. It is called Booking Her Beau. We hope to have it released next month sometime—fingers crossed. I am also working on another second chance romance, Prime Property. I plan to release in late summer. Plus, there will be at least 2 if not 3 more novellas this year with The Princess Chronicles.

   9.     How do you come up with your characters names? 
They just sort of come to me. It is weird actually. Sometimes it is related to a person that I came in contact with and for whatever reason it resonates with me, and other times, I am writing, and it is what I type on the keyboard.
I will say that with the co-write, we researched names for the characters. When all else fails, Google! lol   

   10.  If you could be friends with one of your characters, which one would you chose?
Abby. I guess I can relate to her and see the world through her eyes.

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