
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Featured Author: Lissa Lynn Thomas

Welcome Today's Featured Author 
Lissa Lynn Thomas!!!

Renegade Heart
Series- Renegades #1
Genre- Romance (Friends to Lovers)
Release Date - February 5th, 2019
Cover Designed by Abigail Davies of Pink Elephant Designs

Raif Montgomery, lead singer of Renegades, the area’s most popular band, isn’t like other guys. 
When he gets left at the altar by a woman most men would kill to have, he finds himself more 
relieved than heartbroken. Things take another twisted little turn when he gets drunk the night of 
his non-wedding and makes a pass at his best friend, Chloe. She doesn’t shut him down.

Overall, he has plenty to occupy his troubled mind.

His mom is concerned he’s heading for a self-destruct of epic proportions. But all he can think 
about is tasting Chloe’s lips again, and getting her to agree to give them a shot as a couple. When
a Nashville music producer starts hanging around Renegades’ shows, it seems that things are 
falling into place for the band.

But does he want success for the band if it means leaving Chloe behind? Can he walk away from 
the woman he loves? Or will he sacrifice the Renegades’ dreams to keep his heart intact?

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I reach for her, pull her closer to me, wanting, no needing to hold her. “Yes, I do. I love you, 
Chloe Jane Morris. I think I always have and I just didn’t know what it was.”
She crawls closer to me, climbing into my lap. Tears are streaking down her cheeks unchecked. 
Her  smile could light up the whole town in a blackout. “I love you, Raif Montgomery,” she says, 
and the tension leaves my body. Finally. I don’t know how long I’ve been longing to hear those 
words from her, but it feels like an age. Her mouth is mere inches from mine as she murmurs, 
“I’ve loved you forever. I don’t know how to stop.”
I pull her even closer. “Don’t ever stop, darlin’.” I plead with her as she closes the short gap 
between us and sears my mouth with her kiss.


“You know I don’t want to leave you, right?”
I nod, but still don’t speak. He opens and closes his mouth, runs his fingers through the length of 
my ponytail. “I love you, Chloe. Say the word and I’ll call Dell right now and take it all back. 
I’ll stay here with you any day, darlin’. I need you to know that.”
Tears swim in my eyes as I try to force out the words I know I have to say. He can’t do that for 
me. I’m not worth it. And it’s not fair to the other three. I choke down a sob and he pulls me into 
his chest. “I love you, too, but you can’t stay now. You gave your word. I thought we’d talked 
about your white knight tendencies.” My voice is muffled by the soft flannel of his shirt, but 
he understands.
“Chloe, I’d do anything for you, to hell with the rest of the world.” He says into my hair. His arms 
are tight around me, holding me against him like I might disappear if he lets go.

About Lissa Lynn Thomas -
Lissa was first inspired to consider a career in writing when she was in high school. Her English 
teacher recognized Lissa's gift for storytelling and encouraged her love of writing. She has six 
nieces and nephews whom she adores and a beloved cat who is her baby. Lissa loves the color 
purple and chai tea, and writes poetry under the pen name Bella Sterling.

Under the name Melissa Simmons, she has written one short story with fellow author, Allana 
Kephart, for the Dare to Shine Charity Anthology. She wrote another short story under the same 
name for the Best Thing I Never Had Charity Anthology. As Lissa Lynn Thomas, she has short 
stories in both the This Soldier's Heart Charity Anthology and the Karma Charity Anthology. 
Lissa's debut solo novel, Renegade Heart, is due out in winter of 2019. Renegade Heart is the 
first book in the Renegades series.

Stalker Links-

Interview With Lissa Lynn Thomas:
1. Can you tell us a little about your books?
My debut novel, Renegade Heart, releases today (yay). It’s a contemporary romance about best 
friends who become lovers. The story takes place in a tiny little podunk town that I made up 
called White Oak, NY. It’s the kind of place where everyone knows everyone else and your 
personal life is a matter of public record. Whether you like it or not.
Raif Montgomery is the lead singer in a band, Renegades, and his best friend, Chloe, is their 
unofficial manager. He gets left at the altar and it spins him around a bit and then makes him 
take a closer look at himself and his life, what he wants, etc. And once he figures out who he 
wants, he has to decide if he would rather have Chloe and their life in White Oak or success with 
the band. I think that covers most of the broad strokes. :)

2. What inspires you to write?
It can be anything honestly. A song, a picture while browsing pinterest, passing scenery when I’m 
out and about. Or my dreams sometimes give me ideas for new stories.

3. If you ever experience a case of writer’s block, how do you cure it?
First I go back and reread what I just wrote. If that doesn’t help work something loose, I’ll pull 
out my outlines & notes and make sure I hit all the points I wanted to. Most of the time if I get 
stuck, it’s because I’ve missed something crucial. If that’s not the case, I’ll look for writing 
prompts and do one to help clear out the pipes. Or I’ll bring out the paper and pen and try and do 
a journal entry from the character I’m writing with. Sometimes this helps me reconnect with the 
characters and the story.

4. Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
Honestly, I try to grab time whenever I can. Ideally, I’d write every day before work from 1
0am-noon, but that doesn’t always happen. I also write after work, which seems to be more 
productive - (I’m such a night person). Mornings are mostly for lamenting that I’m awake.

5. Do you have a favorite food or drink you must have nearby when writing?
Depending on the time of day/weather, I’ll have either a snapple diet raspberry tea or chai nearby. 
And I munch hershey kisses with almonds or caramel while I write.

6. Do you have a favorite spot to write?
I moved a year ago and haven’t reclaimed my writing space yet, really. Right now, I write on the 
sofa with headphones on to block out all the ambient noise. Eventually, though, I’m hoping that 
I’ll get my office set up the way I’d like and I’ll be able to escape into it and just write uninterrupted.

7. If your fairy godmother waved her wand and whisked you away to the location of your 
choice, which place would you choose?
Ireland. I am dying to go, have been for years. I think my husband worries I won’t come home if 
I ever make it there.

8. What  writing projects are you currently working on?
Currently I’m writing book 2 in the Renegades series, Renegade Soul. I’m also working on 
 Hearts in Slumber, my sleeping beauty retelling.

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