
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Featured Author: Heather Guimond

Welcome Today's Featured Author 
Heather Guimond!!

About Heather Guimond:
Heather Guimond is a Los Angeles native, a fact of which she is abnormally proud. When she's not trying to write something that will make people laugh while simultaneously ripping their hearts out, she's either reading or doing her best to crack the whip on her three home-schooled children. She loves all things witty and wise-cracking, as well most varieties of smart-assery (just ask her very own smart-ass, her husband). Other favorites include French roast coffee in copious amounts and the dirtiest Dirty Martinis she can find. More than anything, she hopes that she writes books that stick with the reader long after the pages have been read.

Interview With Heather Guimond:

1. Can you tell us a little about your books?
Sure!  The first series I wrote, The Perfection Series, is a 4.5 book saga about a woman's long, emotional and sometimes tragic road to her HEA.  Though wrought with intensity, the books are very character-centric page-turners.  Tissues are required in a number of instances, but hopefully, readers find the ending well worth the ride.  Since then, I've moved into much lighter-hearted material.  Last year, I wrote an over-the-top rom-com with my bestie, Daryn Rayne, under the pen name Heather Rayne.  I just released The Novel Approach, which is also a first-in-series that centers around the book publishing world.  It's romantic and steamy, sprinkled with chuckle-worthy moments.  For the foreseeable future, I'll be publishing books in the romantic comedy genre.  I'm sure someday I'll write another gut-wrencher, but not for a while!

2. What inspires you to write?
Most of my material comes straight from real life, whether through an experience I had in the past, a situation that makes me think, "What if this happened..." or sometimes even snippets of conversations I have. The Novel Approach was conceived while I was in Reno last year for the RT convention. I stood back during one event and just let my imagination go to work.

3. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I've published eight, my ninth will release next month, along with a short story in an anthology. While my first book, Shattered Perfection, will always hold a special place in my heart, I think next month's release, Quick Dirty Luck, is probably my favorite.

4. Do you have a release day tradition?
I love this question.  It used to be chain-smoking and drinking coffee all day long while maniacally checking my Kindle dashboard, but I quit cigarettes last year.  The rest is still pretty true.  I also make my PA listen to me ramble neurotically.  This year, I've resolved to stay away from my stats as much as I can, and just try to take pleasure in knowing all my hard work has come to fruition.

5. Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
I used to write whenever I could squeeze it in around everyone else in my family's needs, but then I realized that was not only no way to have a career as an author, but no way to live either.  Now, I have specified "writing hours" when no one is allowed to bug me unless someone is bleeding or the house is on fire.  I have other chunks of the day set aside for marketing and promo, and I take one day a week to send out all my prizes for the one prior.  It's really helped me to focus on getting a consistent amount of words done each week, as well as helping me feel like I've accomplished something every day.

6. Do you have a favorite spot to write?
I only write at my desk.  I used to have a laptop that I'd take everywhere with me, but when it died, I chose a desktop set up.  While I loved having the freedom to just lay in bed and write sometimes, I find having one specific spot also helps me concentrate.  One day, I am going to have my very own "she-shed" where I can lock myself away and really get lost in my writing... or maybe even reading!

7.  If you could be friends with one of your character, which one would you chose?
Oh, this is hard, because I already feel like they're all my friends! If forced to pick one, it'd have to be Harper Caldwell from Fireball and Fiascos. She's a hot mess. If we're talking about male friends, the answer will always be Justin.

8. What  writing projects are you currently working on?
At the moment, I have two works in progress, book three of the Love Between the Pages Series, and the first book of the Kings of Hearts series, which is the first spin-off from Love Between the Pages.  I'm keeping the titles secret until just before release date, but they feature characters that are introduced in the first two books of LBTP.  I can't wait to release them to the world!

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