
Friday, November 30, 2018

Featured Author: Natalie-Nicole Bates

Welcome Today's Featured Author
Natalie-Nicole Bates!!!


On Halloween night, the one night per year when certain spirits come to life in the human world, reaper Theo evaluates his existence while at a local café. To his surprise and delight, a familiar face from his past enters the café. Theo has never forgotten Anastacia or the feelings he has carried for her. She informs him that she is now a fallen angel, half out of the immortal world, and half in the mortal world.
Theo and Anastasia both know there are no coincidences, so their meeting has some important meaning. But what is it? That is for The Fates to know, and the pair to figure out.
On Halloween night, when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest, anything is possible.

Just .99 for a limited time

About Natalie-Nicole Bates:
Natalie-Nicole Bates has worn all the hats in the publishing world – reader, reviewer, author, and now small publisher with Perfectly Poisoned Press. She has the ability to see the point of view of everyone involved with the love of books.
With a taste for the darker side, Natalie-Nicole’s favorite genres are Dark Victorian, Steampunk, and Dark Paranormal. Her interests include collecting Victorian-era photographs, Frozen Charlotte Dolls (her latest batch was just delivered from a German excavation site after being buried underground since about 1860), and antique poison bottles. She loves exploring and photographing cemeteries – the older, the better!
Originally from the USA, she now makes her home in a rural little village in England.

Social media links for Natalie-Nicole Bates
Amazon Author Central Page             
Natalie-Nicole’s Nation:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for featuring me today at your amazing blog!!!
