
Monday, October 15, 2018

Featured Author: Caroline Peckham

Welcome Today's Featured Author
Caroline Peckham!!

V Games (The Vampire Games, Book 1)
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"Selena Grey, you are offered the privilege of competing in the V Games. If you agree, you will have the chance to erase your criminal record and return home with a clean slate."

My name is Selena Grey. I'm a convicted killer. I thought I'd be in prison for the next twenty five years of my life. But I was wrong. And now I'd give anything to go back.

On a stormy island in the depths of the Arctic Circle, I'm hunted daily by ravenous vampires whilst trying to survive the harsh terrain of a bleak land. I've been forced into a violent game with twenty four other girls. A game run by a cruel and powerful family who televises the blood sport for their sick spectators. Bets have been made on my life. And I have no choice but to keep playing.

My only hope might be a Vampire slave who frightens me to my core. But there's something about him I'm drawn to. Beneath his dark, twisted exterior, is a man crying out for help. Could this lost soul be my salvation?

The V Games are about to begin. But for the first time in a hundred years, I'm starting to empathise with one of the contestants. She,who smells more alluring than any other human I have ever met. The girl who fights with a ferocity and determination which inspires the others.

But she has no idea what winning the games will mean for her. And a long-forgotten part of me wants to help. A sliver of humanity has awakened inside my soul.

This girl is special. And something tells me, if she wins the V Games, she's going to change everything.

Interview With Caroline Peckham:
1. Can you tell us a little about your books?
V Games is the story of an imprisoned girl who's kidnapped and taken to an island to play a brutal game, surviving the harsh terrain whilst being hunted by ravenous vampires. I came up with the story a couple of years back after the hype of The Hunger Games series – which I loved! One day, I thought. Hey, how cool would this death game thing be in a paranormal world? With the contestants running from vampires and spectators watching on screens in a huge castle! The idea wouldn't let go of me and one year later, I put fingers to keyboard and typed it down.
2. What inspires you to write?
My inspiration comes from reading, watching Netflix shows and my own wild imagination. I'm also a big fan of Pinterest where I can peruse images that give me new ideas.

3. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I’ve written 11 books and 3 novellas. My favourite has to be V Games because it turned me into a full time indie author and I just can’t expression my gratitude enough for that fact. It really changed my life.

4. Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
I usually wake up about 8am, grab a tea and sit down to answer my emails and check in with my fan page on Facebook. I usually think out the next few chapters in my mind of whatever story I'm writing, make a couple of notes then get stuck into it. I always write better in the mornings and I've recently tried challenging myself to word counts which helps keep me working through the whole day. Sometimes I go to the local cafe to work if I need a bit more willpower not to turn on the TV! But mostly I work from home then at some point drag my butt to the gym so I'm not sitting down all day.
5. Do you have a favorite food or drink you must have nearby when writing?
I’m English so it’s tea all the way! I also keep a bottle of water beside me because otherwise I forget to drink when I’m too absorbed in the story.

6. Do you have a favorite spot to write?
I usually sit on my sofa facing the window. But if I go out, I like to sit in a particular spot in a coffee shop in town.
7. If your fairy godmother waved her wand and whisked you away to the location of your choice, which place would you choose, and why?
I really wanted to get tickets to the 20books conference in Vegas but I missed out. If she could get me in there, that’d be awesome! I’m hoping to make it next year. I’d love the opportunity to meet some of my readers, it would be a dream come true.

8. What are writing projects are you currently working on?
I'm finishing the final edit on the sixth book of the series which will be a conclusion to those characters' story. It's called Wolf Games: Severed Fates. And it's going to be action-packed. I’ve also started writing the first book of The Hunter Trials  which will be the seventh book in the series and focuses on a new couple who feature in the Wolf Games books. Not to give too much away, but it’s going to involve an inescapable prison for immortals in the Arctic Circle...

About Caroline Peckham:
Caroline Peckham is the author of The Rise of Isaac Series and the V Games Trilogy.
Caroline lives in the south east of London with her best friend and a little rescue cat. When she's not writing, she's binging Netflix shows, going to the gym or at the pub pretending to be cool.

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