
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Featured Author: Sarah Louise

Welcome Today's Featured Author 
 Sarah Louise!!
Going on the Gulf Breeze: Mistress of the Seven Seas by Sarah Louise

Going On The Gulf Breeze is the first in the Mistress Of The Seven Seas Series by debut author Sarah Louise. It follows a Mer/Human hybrid on her journey through her coming of age Summer Solstice Ceremony where she is Called to Bond to the seven princes of the seven Mer kingdoms and gifted a prophecy of destiny to unite her people by their God Poseidon. This is a Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance where the main character doesn’t have to choose one romantic interest at the end, she can have them all! 


About Sarah Louise:
Sarah Louise is a 25 year old graduate from Florida State University. She works full time as a data analyst and writes in any and all her spare time. She is the mother to one small hellion named Blair. She lives off coffee and cheese and has been obsessed with everything Paranormal for as long as she can remember. 

Social Media 
Twitter @SarahLouiseAut1
IG @LiveAtEve 
1. Can you tell us a little about your book? 
My book, simply put, is about mermaids and magic. I’ve had this idea of a mermaid who didn’t quite fit in with the rest of her people coming down to shake things up rolling around in my head since highschool. I wanted the main character to flawed, as we all are and relatable. Essentially the overarching arc of this series is the ultimate good versus evil, but there will be many twists and turns throughout. 

2. What inspires you to write?
Oddly enough, it is something I’ve always done. Since I was a child. Journaling, adolescent poetry, hell I even enjoyed some of my college papers. It’s a stress reliever for me and the stories I create are ones I escape to in my head and so I am so passionate about putting them out there. Though that is scary too because I’m essentially handing you all my brain baby. 

3. Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
So I work a full time job 8-5 and I have a toddler so most of my writing is done on my breaks, during my lunch hour, and at night. But I am typically a night owl so that tends to work in my favor. 

4. Do you have a favorite food or drink you must have nearby when writing?
COFFEE....and sometimes tea 

5. Do you have a favorite spot to write?
So I actually “write” on my phone through google docs for my first drafts! It’s small enough my kid can’t poke at it and I can hide it from her. When i actually use my laptop i like to write in my bed. I even bought a special pillow and lap desk for it! Though the goal is to have enough space for an actual desk one day. I’ve also romanticized the idea of writing on the beach with a good cup of coffee in the early morning. 
6. If your fairy godmother waved her wand and whisked you away to the location of your choice, which place would you choose, and why?
Scotland! It’s where a lot of my family roots are and I’ve always been fascinated with the culture and climate. 

7. What are writing projects are you currently working on?
So I am currently working on book 1 of my next series. Moonbeams & Wolf Dreams: Children of Selene. I am also work on Seven Seas Book 2 and I have two other series in the early planning stages.

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