
Monday, May 21, 2018

Featured Author: Carly Marino

Welcome Today's Featured Author
Carly Marino!!

Memory Walker
Audience: Young Adult
Genre: Science Fiction Paranormal Romance (Very light on the Sci-fi)


Imagine having the power to view someone’s past at the briefest touch of their skin.

During her freshman year, seventeen-year-old Thea Scott developed the suckiest burden ever. At the slightest brush of a person’s skin, she’s forced to walk in their memories. She’d give anything to get rid of this uncontrollable ability. When breathtakingly gorgeous Cole Conway strolls through the auditorium doors and she faints, literally, he acts like he knows her secret. The last thing she wants is to end up in a lab with her brain in a jar, so she decides to use her ability to enter his memories. 

Cole unveils out-of-this-world dangers she never imagined existed. Even worse, her own past is her greatest fear. The deeper she falls, the more turmoil and heartbreak she crashes into. Dreams of fitting in dissolve when she must protect herself from things far more terrifying than high school rumors

About Carly Marino:

I love writing and reading about love. There’s nothing better than two characters finding each other in unusual situations and conquering all odds to be together. *Sigh* Regardless the genre – paranormal, contemporary, fantasy – if there’s romance—I wanna read it!

I was born in Hawai’i but grew up most of my life in a quaint town in Michigan and the sunny beaches of Florida. After graduating high school, I return to my island ohana for college where I wrote my thesis on how to write a young adult book. (Oddly enough)

Wife, mother, dog owner, and author, my hat constantly changes but I love every minute of the hustle. Writing is my passion and the wonderful nagging voice in my head. I’m blessed to have amazing family and friends who’ve supported me from my first story, written in poor phonics and elementary chicken scratch.

Author Website:

Facebook Fan Page: source_id=619017258175114

Interview With Author: Carly Marino:

1. Can you tell us a little about your books? 

Memory Walker, a YA Paranormal Romance Novel, which debuted Friday, is about a girl with the ability to walk in a person's memory by touching their skin. She can't control it, meaning touching others will send her spiraling into their past, finding out secrets that haunt her. The novel is appropriate for ages 15 plus and follows a seventeen-year-old girl on her journey to belong, find love, and, well, run for her life. Her past is a mystery, and she's determined to find out why.

Rogue from X-man, my favorite character, inspired Thea. I thought to myself, how awful would it be not to be able to touch anyone. Granted Rogue's is way worse since her touch can be deadly. But to me, knowing someone's truth. What they've done, said, or been through can change them through a person's eyes especially when it comes to finding love.

I also have another novel coming out later this year titled, Tarnished Light. Tarnished Light, an upper YA Contemporary Fantasy with elements of romance, follows an eighteen-year-old girl who's an Angel/Fallen hybrid and the only one of her kind. She struggles with her inner evil and with a prophecy predicting she'll be the cause of the Fallen dismantling all that's good. As the story progresses, the main character finds she isn't alone and the "good guys" might be the ones she should've been running from all along. The story is a dual POV, and the male main character was a lot of fun to write!

2. What inspires you to write?

Everything. I'm constantly absorbing the world around me. Scene ideas can spark from experiences, TV shows, other books, people in my life. Anything can generate an idea, which can drive me nuts until I write it down. I seriously get anxiety if I have a scene or story idea looming over my head. I have to get it on paper.

As for who inspired me. My fourth-grade teacher, Mrs. Herbek. She read Little House on the Praire and Anne of Green Gables to us. I always loved books, but my true love for words and literature started in her class.
3. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

Eek. Let's see...
Obviously Memory Walker and Tarnished Light. Tarnished Light's sequel, Darkness Shines, is also complete.
I've written a NA dark contemporary romance that needs some cleanup and love.
And a bunch of halfies. A mermaid story, one about a girl who dies and returns to Earth for a chance to find the man who killed her family. A unicorn story. Halfies are so annoying but happen. I'll plot, start, then get distracted by the above series and remind myself my priority is to finish Memory Walker and Tarnished Light before I embark on a new journey.

4. Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?

Mornings. I have a five-year-old who goes to pre-k from 8-12. I try to squeeze in at least two hours of writing then. (which usually goes past if I'm on a roll) Once in a while, I'll write in the afternoon, but that depends on my busy little bee. I envy writers who do their best work at night. I shut down. By six my brain is mush.

5. Do you have a favorite food or drink you must have nearby when writing?

Coffee... Coffee... and Coffee. Haha. It's energizing and relaxing all mixed together in a cozy mug.

6. Do you have a favorite spot to write?

My office or my kitchen breakfast counter. (I think I drive my hubby crazy with all my plotting chicken scratch scattered about and my computer laying around) 
7. If your fairy godmother waved her wand and whisked you away to the location of your choice, which place would you choose, and why?

Italy! I have family there, and I'm half Italian. I've never been. I've traveled all over, lived in seven different states, but have never ventured to Italy. Someday I hope.

8. What are writing projects are you currently working on?

Book two of the Inflexaen series is my current focus. I want to get the novel finished, edited, and sent to Evernight Teen as soon as possible. Memory Walker ends with a few loose ends that will tie up in the next novel. I don't think it's fair to make readers wait forever to find out what happened.

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