
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Featured Author: Katrina Marie

Welcome Today's Featured Author
Katrina Marie!! 

Are you ready to take a chance with Jake and Charleigh?
I am excited to share with you all the third book in the Taking Chances series! Will Jake overcome his fear? Will Charleigh stand by his side? Find out when you get your copy of WAYS TO GO today.
When Jake walked into the tattoo shop Life in Ink, he had no idea his life was about to change. This time for the better. After his girlfriend left him and decided to raise their daughter with another man, Jake walked away to put the pieces of his life back together.

Charleigh knows she has what it takes to be the best artist in her uncle’s tattoo shop. If he’d only give her a chance. When Jake walked into the shop, she’s not sure why he gets under her skin. But he does, and she doesn’t like it.

Jake has to overcome his fear of living in his parents’ shadow and finally stand up to them, with Charleigh by his side. But Jake isn’t sure he’ll be able to push aside his jealousy and raise his daughter. Will his pride get in the way? Or will he finally become the man he wants to be?

Read an Excerpt
I AM SO FUCKING STUPID. I hear Jake’s please for me to stop as I run away. Who was that girl standing next to him? Whos baby is that? I’m not even sure how to process what I just saw.
The funny thing is, I was going to the park to get some space from everybody at the shop. And…I was finally going to call Jake back. We needed to have an adult conversation about the situation that happened with his mother, without me stomping off like a two-year old.
I saw him come down the slide with the little girl. I stood there, in awe, and watched them for a few moments, butterflies erupting in my stomach. The scene before me, a small glimpse of what a future would look like with him. It may have been a little early to think that way, but it’s no secret that we have one of those rare connections.
I assumed the baby was a cousin or something, but as soon as I saw that girl walk up to him, I knew they were familiar. I could tell the two of them had shared a past.
Hot tears stream down my face, and my nose is runny. I finally slow down three blocks from the park and lean against one of the buildings.
I think back to all the time Jake and I have spent together All the times he texted or came to my place. And I wonder if it was all just an act. Just a way for him to get close to the naïve city girl set on chasing her dreams.
But, he took me to meet his friends, the people spends the most time with. Surely, he wouldn’t have done that if he was harboring a secret family, would he? But how can I know? I’ve never asked him what all he does. As far as I know, he talks to me or hangs out with his friends. Nothing else.
I bury my face in my hands to quiet my sobs as realization hits. Those few times he seemed sad or distant, and unsure. They had to have been because of her.
Maybe I’m blowing this whole thing out of proportion. There could be a completely valid reason for him to smile at her like she just made his day. Right now, I can’t think of any reason for that to happen. He smiled at her the same way I’ve seen him smile at me. With that same sort of affection in his eyes like I’m the person he can’t live without. That’s obviously not true if what I saw today is real.
I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel about Jake, now. Not sure if anything I felt was real, or if I was caught up in the moment of a possible summer fling with a hope that it could become more.
My phone rings in my purse, vibrating against the sides, but I make no move to answer it. I’m not ready to talk to him right now. Maybe never again. Instead, I walk the last few blocks back to the shop, trying to rein in my emotions.

Read the Other Books in the Taking Chances Series



About Katrina Marie:

Katrina Marie lives in the Dallas area with her husband, two children, and fur baby. She is a lover of all things geeky and Gryffindor for life. When she’s not writing you can find her at her children’s sporting events, or curled up reading a book.

 Interview With Katrina Marie:

1.     Can you tell us a little about your books?
My books are about real life experiences. Situations myself or people I know have gone through. They give you a look at teen pregnancy, depression, anxiety, and friendships. If there is one thing that sticks out it’s friends, and how they help you on whatever journey you are on. And, of course, romance. I’m in love with love, and writing these couples has been a blast.

2.     What inspires you to write?
Life. It happens all around us. If I see something interesting, or feel something deeply, I write about it. Music is also a huge inspiration. I go to concerts and let the music pour through me to spark my creativity. I also people watch and imagine what their story might be.

3.     Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
I have a day job and my writing time is limited. But I write a lot during my lunch hour. Typically, I write in the evenings after my kids go to bed. The weekends are fair game. I’m trying a new schedule where I write during the week and the weekends are for family. But if I do write, it’s usually after the kiddos are out for the night. If the story grabs me, I’ll stay up until two or three in the morning to get the words out.

4.     Do you have a favorite food or drink you must have nearby when writing?
Big Red and anything chocolate. Sometimes coffee if I’m writing in a coffee shop.

5.     Do you have a favorite spot to write?
Most of the time I write in bed. I put my headphones on and let the characters take me where they will. But my absolute favorite place to write is in between sets at music festivals. I carry a notebook and pen with me. I’ve gotten a few weird looks from people, but I’ve also written as many as three or four chapters during those concerts. The energy feeds into my creativity.

6.     If you could be friends with one of your character, which one would you chose?
It would definitely be Tonya. She’s level-headed and would most likely keep me out of a lot of trouble.

7.     If your fairy godmother waved her wand and whisked you away to the location of your choice, which place would you choose, and why?
I’m a huge Outlander fan. It would without a doubt be Scotland. But for more reasons than just Jamie Fraser. There’s history there and the scenery is absolutely breathtaking.

8.     What are writing projects are you currently working on?
Right now, I’m working on Remember That Night, the next book in the Taking Chances series. It follows Darcy, who we meet in the second book. It’s all about second chances and misinformation.


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