
Monday, January 22, 2018

Interview With Natalie Barnes

Interview With Natalie Barnes:

1.      Can you tell us a little about yourself?

An Ojibwe native, I grew up on the Bay Mills Indian reservation. Married to Butter’s and so blessed to be a mama. Having a ten year old and the youngest being four year old twins!  I’m also a Libra sun and rising with a Pisces  moon, so I can be quit sensitive, haha. But creative af :}

2.      Can you tell us a little about your books?

I specialize in beautifully broken or fucked up characters. Sometimes not to the extreme, but still flawed in their own special, unique way. True love always prevails style.

3.     When did you know you wanted to write a book?

Four years ago, I was kind of in a book funk so I just decided to write my own. Didn’t think I was ever going to publish. I just wanted to write something for my own enjoyment. With that being said, I didn’t even have a computer when I started so 75% of “Everything I Want” was written on my iphone 4

4.     What is a usual writing day like for you, how is it structured?

I don’t have a usual structured. It kind of goes by ear each day. Sometimes I can stay up all night and watch the sunrise while writing or other days, sending the kids off to school and getting a couple hours out then calling it good. Depends on the scene too! Certain scenes I can’t tear away, so I’ll end sitting there mid-day not stopping until the ride has passed. While others are so intense that I almost can’t take it. So usually when that happens, I could be locked away for an hour but only getting a few words out because rest of the time I’m literally pacing or tranced out haha.

5.      Do you have a favorite spot to write?

Anywhere outside. I live way up in the sticks so it’s pretty quiet and so beautiful. Sometimes I get distracted though because there’s so many birds and woodland creatures :} they can get pretty vocal :}

6.     Do you have a favorite food or drink you must have nearby when writing?

For the longest time it used to be Pepsi. Just gave that up to get “healthier” but I still sneak one in once a week. Now it’s water or on quiet, kid free night writing seshes…Southern Comfort on ice with water.

7.     For someone who hasn't read any of you books yet, which one would you suggest they read first?

I would definitely suggest that they go for Beautifully Chaotic. It’s not only about the second chance that the characters get, but myself with the characters. This is its second publication too and I couldn’t be more grateful that I got the chance to do my characters justice.

8.      If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? 

Hmm… You know what, I’m not really sure? Haha, I guess something for the environment. Like with climate control or making sure no dumbassas throws around nuclear bombs and shit. Kind of like Caption Planet style, haha

9.     What are writing projects are you currently working on?

My current WIP is a piece that I hold very close to my heart. I started gathering information on in way back when I was finishing up EIW. So this has been in the works for over three years. It’s a historical piece so I’m trying to make sure I got all my lower case jays dotted. Now is exciting for I just actually started to lay it out. Hoping to have it finished up sometime in March. That’s all I got to say about that :}


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