
Monday, August 28, 2017

Featured Author: Cindy Tanner

Welcome Today's Featured Author
Cindy Tanner!!

When You Were Mine
One letter a week. Care packages optional. Adopting a Marine seemed like the perfect extra credit project.​
Harper Evans never expected to fall in love with the Marine she adopted. She never expected to meet him in person but a surprise gave her the chance to claim who she wanted. Then life proved it can break your heart a million different ways.​
Asher Williams fought for his father and country, but he will fight hardest for the woman that stole his heart. Harper may have changed her mind about the life they planned together, but Asher wants it enough for them both.​
Will he still feel that way when he learns it all?

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About Cindy Tanner:
Cindy Tanner has been a book worm since way before it was cool. Preferring to interact with fictional characters than people in real life she began writing at a young age. She has a wild and vivid imagination that has gotten her into (and out of trouble) more than once. Cindy lives in Southern Indiana with her family and is a proud Midwestern farm girl. She loves all books, cheesy action movies, and animals.

Interview With Cindy Tanner:

1. Can you tell us a little about your book?
When You Were Mine is a story about first love that takes a few unexpected turns. Harper is a very closed off person for reasons she tries to ignore while Asher is open emotionally which was fun to write. Many times the 'Alpha' male is the one fighting the relationship instead of fighting for it. I liked writing a more sensitive male lead while having Harper be a tomboy.
2. When did you know you wanted to write a book?
I have been writing stories since the first grade. I have always had a wild imagination and thanks to a very bad stutter when I was younger I was never much for talking but loved to write. The stutter corrected itself years ago, but my love of writing has never faded.
3. Is anything in your book based on real life experiences or purely all imagination?
Only the car talk. I used to work on my cars with my own father before he passed away. Harper's Chevelle is my dream car. Everything else my imagination provided.
4. What is a usual writing day like for you, how is it structured?
I am a stay at home mom to a very active toddler so my writing day doesn't start until he goes to sleep. Typically I aim for 2,500 words a night. Sometimes its more if I am really in a groove. Sometimes its less. Usually its 2-3 hours of writing then I will spend another hour or two working my website, going over emails, updating social media, or researching.
5. Do you listen to music while you write?
Yes. The right music for the tone of the story and Reese's Pieces are vital to getting any work done!

6. What's one random fact about yourself that you can share?
I'm addicted to meme's. My husband and I will have entire conversations in nothing my random (and occasionally inapproiate) meme's.

7. If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?
I want to say the ability to read people's minds, but I have a feeling that would only drive me crazy so I am going to say the ability to freeze time.

8. What are writing projects are you currently working on?
Currently I am working on two projects. One is a novella in the same world as When You Were Mine, following two secondary characters. The other is a full length novel that is a little darker than your typical romance featuring three assassin brothers and a former trauma nurse that is a bit of an anti-hero herself.

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