
Friday, March 31, 2017

Grandma's Wedding Quilts Day 5: Monica's Mystery by Kate Cambridge

Kate Cambridge is an emerging author of Sweet Historical Romance and Sweet Contemporary Romance. She is a hopeless romantic, strong supporter of women's rights, and loves to create stories that inspire, and characters who seem real long after "The End."

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Monica has to leave home, fast. Her parents are planning to marry her off and although all her friends are marrying, that is definitely not what she wants. She’s seventeen, an amateur sleuth, and sees no reason why she can’t join the ranks of the local lawman, or even become a Texas Ranger, should she choose! 

What will happen when she visits her best friend in Texas, only to find herself face-to-face with a handsome Texas Ranger, and knee-deep in territory she has no idea how to navigate?


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Snippet #1

“Monica’s attention was still focused on Gabriel, whose bold green eyes had already settled intently upon her. She felt scrutinized as he searched out every detail of her features, and yet she knew she was doing the same to him. The faded color of his shirt indicated many hours spend in the sun, and the creases at the corners of his eyes bespoke a sense of humor despite his stern demeanor. Only when Ellen cleared her throat did Monica remember that she had yet to move forward to greet him…”

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