
Monday, January 23, 2017

Featured Author: Emily Robertson

Welcome Today's Featured Author
Emily Robertson!!

Playing by the Rules (A Portwood Brothers Novel 1)

Payton always had one rule she lived by, no boyfriends until after college.  No one seemed to agree with her, even her own mother who had her at age sixteen.  Returning to school after an accident that flipped Payton’s world upside down left her feeling out of control.  Holding on to her rule seemed to be her only lifeline.

Josh had been letting the past rule his life for too long.  Finally being at school, he’d become his own man, and he’d been putting all that behind him.  Just when he thought he had it all put together, life got crazy.  Not only did his ex show back up, but Josh also found he couldn’t get Payton Whitmore out of his head.

Once Josh convinces Payton to give him a shot, she’s so closed off that he wonders if it’s even worth it.  Josh can tell there’s something special about Payton though, and as soon as he goes all in, he’s ready to show her that some rules are made to be broken.

Playing with Fire (A Portwood Brothers Novel Book 2)

Emma believed that you should never follow your heart.  She tried that once, and she ended up alone and broken.  After she put the pieces back together, she decided she’d rather forget about love and just have fun.  Who needed someone special anyway?  Certainly not her. 

When both of them realize they are on they are on the same page, they embark in a hot, no-strings arrangement that satisfies their needs without getting their hearts involved.  But when you play with fire, someone always gets burned.  

Playing for the Win (A Portwood Brothers Novel Book 3)

Addison had always thought when she said, “I do” two years ago that it’d be forever.  Madly in love, things were going along fine, great even, until she found out her husband was keeping secrets from her.  Unable to deal with that on top of everything else in her life, she packed her bags and headed home to her parents.

Bryce had been called a lot of things in his life, most of them he wouldn’t repeat.  One thing he’s never been called was a quitter.  He’d proven time and time again that when he set his mind to something, he succeeded at it.  It might take some persistence and a little hard work, but he never gave up until it paid off.

Bryce knows one way or another he was getting his wife back.  He’d have to fight harder than he ever had before, but he’d do it for Addison, for them.  He’d play dirty if he had to because he wasn’t going to lose.  He was playing to win.

About Emily Robertson:
Emily Robertson graduated from Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas with a degree in Theatre.  She is an avid reader and enjoys reading New Adult and Romance as much as she does writing them.  She currently resides in the Washington D.C. area with her husband and two children.  She loves connecting with and talking to other readers by email, or on Facebook or Twitter.  You can get information on her upcoming works by visiting her website, signing up for her newsletter, or joining her Facebook reader’s group.

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Twitter: @Author_EmilyR
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Interview With Emily Robertson:

1   Can you tell us a little about your books?

How much time do we have?  I’m kidding.  I love to write little parts of my life in each of my books.  It’s like those Easter eggs you find in games and movies.  Those people that know me might be able to pick out those situations or conversations in my books.  In this series I write about chronic pain, military life, and lots of shenanigans.  These are all part of my daily life. 

The first book in the Portwood Brothers series, Playing by the Rules, is all about Josh and him showing Payton that she doesn’t need to hold on to her no serious relationships until college is over rule. The second book, Playing with Fire, tells the story of Josh’s twin brother, Jackson, and how he finds a distraction in the way of a fiery redhead named Emma. Together they help each other forget the past without strings, but end up tangled in the mess. Playing for the Win tells the story of how Bryce wins back his wife’s heart after he’s lost her trust. After losing a child, Addison is broken and doesn’t know how to put her life back together. Good thing Bryce doesn’t take no for an answer. He’ll do whatever it takes to make sure she’s his again.  I just sent off Playing it Cool.  It’s a prequel to the series.  As I was writing each of these books I always wondered how a guy like Bryce could land a girl like Addison.  It was great getting back into the world of the Portwood brothers and seeing everyone before the series takes place.

2   For the Portwood Brothers series, does it need to be read in order or can they be read as standalones?

I’ve been told that you can read the books as standalone books.  I suppose that it wouldn’t be an issue.  However, as the author, I feel that they should be read in order (except the novella) to get the full experience.  Each book, while tells the story about another brother, shows glimpses of the other brothers and their lives.  If you skip around, you’ll be reading about the other relationships out of order as well.  If you’re okay with spoilers, then knock yourself out.

3   What inspires you to write?

Everything in my life inspires my writing.  As I said above, I write a lot of myself into my books.  Sometimes I will hear a conversation, be in a situation, or just experience something and an idea will hit.  When I started out writing the Portwood Brothers series, I didn’t know the second book would be about Jackson.  In fact, it wasn’t supposed to be a series about the brothers at all.  When Jackson demanded his story, though, it came so fast.  I like to think it’s because we just got each other.  Jackson needed a distraction, and I was using him to distract myself from my husband’s deployment.  It worked very well.

The new series I’m working on was all inspired by a song, a One Direction song.  Because of the lyrics, I wondered what it’d be like to have a relationship, a long-term relationship with someone who was really famous.  The series took a drastic turn, but they always do. 

I guess the moral of the story is, if you’re around me, you could end up in one of my books. 

4   Do you have a favorite character to write about?

Unless it’s Bryce, I think whatever character I’m working on is my favorite.  Each of my characters really means something to me, and they have all been fun to write in their own way.  I love learning about them and seeing how that plays out in the books that I write for them.

5   Do you have a favorite spot to write?

I have a desk that I set up in the back of my living room, but I love writing on the sofa by my bay window.  The light that comes in, and seeing the outside is what I enjoy.  Any place that is bright and sunny is perfect for writing, even the car.

6   Do you listen to music while you write?

As someone who is easily distracted, you’d think the answer would be no.  I love writing to music, though.  I usually find a song that goes with the scene I’m working on, and then I put that song on repeat.  With the song on repeat, it fades into the background and it drowns out everything going on around me.  When the scene starts to drag, or I just can’t get in the groove anymore, sometimes a change of song helps.  I try and keep a playlist of songs that I listen to for each book up on YouTube for readers to listen to if they want.

7   If you could spend 24 hours as a fictional character, who would you chose?

That’s a no brainer.  I’d be Lavender Mead.  She’s the pint-sized woman who finally broke through Tyler Harris’ defenses.  If I had one day, I’d spend it as Lavender so I could be with Mr. Harris.  Forward Passes is one my all time favorite sports romance reads, and the only book boyfriend I will ever claim.

8   What are writing projects are you currently working on?

Currently I’m working on a book in a new series.  The first is finished, and I’m working on book two.  This series revolves around a band (I like to think they’re an edgy boy band) and the women who don’t take their crap.  The first book was a blast to write, and the second has been equally as fun.  I can’t wait to dive into the third, and the fourth will probably be the story of what I wished would have happened to me as a kid.  Keep an eye out for more information on this series!

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