
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Featured Author: Char Webster

Welcome Today's Featured Author
Char Webster!!

All twenty-three year old Kate Sutton wants is a quiet relaxing summer after finishing her first year as a guidance counselor. School is out for the year and her swimming pool awaits, but that all changes when she is asked to help three troubled kids in the foster care system. Kate was adopted, but hasn’t been able to determine anything about her birth parents. She could have easily been placed in foster care instead of with her family. So, when she was asked to help those kids, she couldn’t turn it down.

When strange things begin to happen, Kate discovers that her foster kids are not quite what she had thought and that neither is she. Suddenly, Kate is thrust into a world where people have special gifts and she and the kids are being hunted.

Now she has to learn who she really is and keep the kids safe from discovery. A gorgeous guy keeps showing up everywhere she goes, but is he there to help her or turn her and the kids over to the ones hunting them?

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What does it mean to be Gifted? And just how dangerous can it be?

When Nick took off to track down a kidnapper and killer, he left Kate alone to deal with her new life. Thrown into a world she knew nothing about, Kate must piece together information from the past and discover her role in the events that have begun to unfold.

Will history repeat itself? Will Kate be able to protect the kids and herself from the forces who want to use them to unlock a power that could destroy everything?

Buy Links:
Barnes & Noble:
 Teaser for Transformation

About Char Webster:
Reading and getting lost in a story has always been some of Char Webster's favorite things to do besides shopping, of course. She also has a love for writing, which led her to her daytime career in public relations and marketing.
After years of writing for others, Char decided to write something for herself. Her debut novel fulfills a lifelong dream of creating a world where people can escape reality for a little while.
Char Webster loves living in South Jersey because she feels like it is in the center of everything.
Amazon Page:
Goodreads page:

Interview With Char Webster:
1. Can you tell us a little about your book?

My books are about a race of people that have special abilities. These people are integrated seamlessly into society and hide in plain sight. You never know who could be gifted or just who is after those who have gifts.

Discovery, Book One of the Gifted Series:

All twenty-three year old Kate Sutton wants is a quiet relaxing summer after finishing her first year as a guidance counselor. School is out for the year and her swimming pool awaits, but that all changes when she is asked to help three troubled kids in the foster care system. Kate was adopted, but hasn’t been able to determine anything about her birth parents. She could have easily been placed in foster care instead of with her family. So, when she was asked to help those kids, she couldn’t turn it down.

When strange things begin to happen, Kate discovers that her foster kids are not quite what she had thought and that neither is she. Suddenly, Kate is thrust into a world where people have special gifts and she and the kids are being hunted.

Now she has to learn who she really is and keep the kids safe from discovery. A gorgeous guy keeps showing up everywhere she goes, but is he there to help her or turn her and the kids over to the ones hunting them?

Exploration, Book Two of the Gifted Series

What does it mean to be Gifted? And just how dangerous can it be?

When Nick took off to track down a kidnapper and killer, he left Kate alone to deal with her new life. Thrown into a world she knew nothing about, Kate must piece together information from the past and discover her role in the events that have begun to unfold.

Will history repeat itself? Will Kate be able to protect the kids and herself from the forces who want to use them to unlock a power that could destroy everything?

2. When did you know you wanted to write a book?

Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to write, which lead to my career in Public Relations and Marketing.  I write, speeches, reports, media releases, annual reports, proposals, brochures, etc. I love it, but I felt something was missing. Last summer, I was feeling restless and moping a little bit, so my mom asked me to write something for her. At the time, I had told her I wasn’t good enough. She refused to take that answer and demanded that I write her something by the next day.  I wrote the prologue of Discovery and she loved it.

3. How did you choose the genre you write in?

I’m a big super hero fan and love X-Men. I also always wanted special powers and would imagine what I would do with them. It would be really cool.

4. What is a usual writing day like for you, how is it structured? Do you have a favorite spot to write?  Do you listen to music while you write?

I work full-time, so most of my writing is done after dinner and a lot of times, late at night.  I settle on the loveseat in my family room with my feet propped up on a stool and the laptop on my legs. There is always music on the TV, sometimes music videos and sometimes the cable music channels. I need some background noise and sometimes inspiration from the mood of the tunes.

5. If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?

I LOVE this question. I would want to be able to travel instantaneously anywhere I want and be able to bring another person with me. I could travel all over the world, shop anywhere I want, visit authors events everywhere and see family and friends.

6. What are writing projects are you currently working on?

I just completed a Novelette called Experiments that is a prequel to Discovery. That will be released in a few weeks. It features the four main guys in my books.

I am also working on the third book of the trilogy, Transformation. I am hoping to have that release before the end of the year.

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