
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Interview With Leigh Ellwood

Interview With Leigh Ellwood!!

1) Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Hi there. I write erotica and romance, and have been published for over ten years with various publishers (Phaze Books, Torquere Press, Decadent Publishing, ARe Books, and others). I write a variety of genres and pairings, but more recently I write M/M and F/F in contemporary settings.

2) Can you tell us a little about your books?

I've been busy this year with a group of authors in a box set series called Sexy To Go. Each month we've published sets of short sensual stories. Our sixth bundle comes out soon. 

This year, too, I wrote the first F/F novella to be published by ARe Books. The Sweetest Dare is part of a longer contemporary series I've written (Dareville) set in Virginia. More recently, I've contributed M/M stories to anthologies for Coming Together and Torquere Press. My story "Lyon's Den" is about an all-male brothel and appears in Coming Together: Outside the Box. "Styx & Stone" is a fantasy set in the underworld, written for Torquere's Mythologically Torqued collection.

In July, I'll publish the first M/M romance novella in a trilogy called The Men of Sylvester Street. All the stories are set in an Eastern Shore beach town.

3) Which book has your favorite to write? 

Oh, that's a challenge to answer. :) I tend to favor the story I'm currently writing. Right now I'm really getting into my new Sylvester Street series. The first title, Sly Foxes, is coming out and I'm working on another story called On the Sly.

4) How do you decided whether the story is going to be just one book or more than one book?

I have set a goal of three novellas, which I will then collect for a print volume. I'd like to sign up for some conferences next year and want to have the book available to readers.

5) When did you know you wanted to write a book?

Early on. I've written shorts and goofy little plays since elementary school. In college, though, I wanted to go into journalism but I found the pull of fiction too strong to resist.

6)  For a reader new to your books, which book would you suggest they read first?

If you like M/F pairings, I would suggest Truth or Dare - my first novel and the first Dareville book. If you like M/M I have a collection of shorts called Men & Mayhem which is all paranormal and speculative fiction.

7)  How do you come up with your characters names? 

I have to be very careful, because I find myself repeating names at times. These days I check baby name generators and research surnames from different regions to find the right match.

8) Do you have a favorite spot to write?

I have a recliner where I do the bulk of my writing. I tend to write at night when everybody in the house is sacked out. :)

9) Do you work with an outline, or just write?

It depends on the work. For a standalone story or first in the series I tend to write freely. Once I get deeper into a series I have to outline various things to keep the stories and characters consistent.

10) What are writing projects are you currently working on?
I just finished a novella for an upcoming box set of F/F romance. The story, Daring Destiny, will appear in First Lady Love. Also, I'm working on more Sylvester Street stories: On the Sly and Sly Vs. Sly.

Where to Find Leigh Ellwood:

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