
Monday, June 29, 2015

Featured Author: Samantha Long

Welcome Today's Featured Author 
Samantha Long!!!

Crossing the Line (Kismet, #1)

Crossing the Line (Kismet #1)

Victoria doesn't have time for love after a bitter divorce. She's too busy. Her twin daughters are approaching puberty and her interior design business is expanding. So when Nick enters her life, she has to remember why she's too busy for a little lust. Which is difficult considering he's the contractor hired to redo her office. Besides, his tattoos and MMA past make him a poor candidate for a woman who's trying to level out her life.

Nick thinks Victoria's hot but doesn't want to get involved with a woman who has kids, much less one that's been hurt by a man. Too much baggage. He's sworn off relationships, tending to stick with one-night stands. Victoria is a client, one he doesn't want to cross the line with, but the more he's near her, the quicker his resolve weakens.

Crossing the Line Part Two

Crossing the Line Part Two (Kismet #1.2)

Victoria doesn't have time for love after a bitter divorce. She's too busy. Her twin daughters are approaching puberty and her interior design business is expanding. So when Nick enters her life, she has to remember why she's too busy for a little lust. Which is difficult considering he's the contractor hired to redo her office. Besides, his tattoos and MMA past make him a poor candidate for a woman who's trying to level out her life.

Nick thinks Victoria's hot but doesn't want to get involved with a woman who has kids, much less one that's been hurt by a man. Too much baggage. He's sworn off relationships, tending to stick with one-night stands. Victoria is a client, one he doesn't want to cross the line with, but the more he's near her, the quicker his resolve weakens.

Awakening (Guardian #1)

When Sophie moves to Boston to get away from the people who ridiculed her for her psychic talents, she wants to start fresh. But when a demon attacks her study group at the library, she has no choice but to reveal her abilities to warn the others.

She learns the attacks won't stop until she's dead. To stay alive she joins forces with the other students and a secret society that has battled the demons for centuries.

The last thing she wants to do is be a pawn in the war of good and evil. When her visions start showing events from a past life, she can't ignore the connections it shows. She has no choice but to acknowledge the bonds that tie her to the other students, even if some of them refuse, to have the strength to defeat the demon that hunts them down.

Will she survive long enough to stop the demons from destroying everything and everyone she loves?

Sacred (Guardians, #2)

Sacred (Guardian #2)

Sophie has been attacked by demons, destroyed a nest of vampires, and lived through the death of someone close to her. Now she and her friends have been rescued by the Society and taken to a secret island base to train. While they desperately search for leads on where Akeldama may be holding Lilli prisoner, Sophie tries to keep Tristan at arms length. She doesn't need anything to distract her from finding her best friend, or so she tells herself. Then the unthinkable happens. One of the Society's own has betrayed the Guardians, selling their secrets to the demons and attacking them where they should feel safest. In the end, Sophie's greatest enemy could be her own fears, and she faces a decision that could push Tristan and her friends away forever.

Hallowed (Guardian, #3)

Hallowed (Guardian #3)

After the decisions Sophie's had to make, she's ready to end Akeldama once and for all. That demon Queen had made everything go wrong in her life. Her boyfriend, Tristan, hates her because she's harboring a demon in her body and the people of the Society all avoid her, expecting her to spit fire and devour them all.

With their new mission, they have to go into the demon realm, not knowing what they'll face or if they'll even live through it. The last person they expect to see saves Sophie and Kendra from being kidnapped and allies come from the most unlikely of places.

A new enemy emerges, one more powerful and dangerous than Akeldama could ever be. To save the world, the universe, and everyone she loves, Sophie may have to give up her own life. Can she make that decision and leave everything and everyone she loves behind?

About Samantha Long:
Samantha Long writes Ya paranormal novels and contemporary romance novels in between taking care of four kids
Goodreads :
Twitter: @SamanthaMLong

Interview With Samantha Long:

1. Can you tell us a little about your books?
I write both YA paranormal and Adult contemporary romance.

2. Do you have a favorite character to write about?
Sophie, definitely. I love her fire and spirit and how she'll do anything to keep her friends safe.

3. Do you have a favorite spot to write?
My desk, because I can also drink coffee there.

4. Do you listen to music while you write?
Most of the time. I have to block out the chaos of four kids somehow.

5. What's one random fact about yourself that you can share?
I can sing, but have terrible stage fright.

6. When did you know you wanted to write a book?
Ever since fourth grade. I've always wanted to be a writer.

7. What is your all-time favorite book?
Ooh, that's such a hard question. I don't even think I can answer that. I have so many.

8. Are you attending an book signing events this year?
In March 2016 I'll be in Biloxi, MS and in Aug 2016 I will be in Dallas. I know that's not technically this year lol.

9. What writing projects are you currently working on?
I am working on a joint project with Karly Morgan, a NA sports romance and I am working on No Holds Barred, which is the third book in the Kismet Series.

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