
Friday, October 10, 2014

Featured Author: Mindy Larson

Welcome Today's Featured Author
Mindy Larson!!!

The Beginning of the End: (Pre-Earth Prequel)
The Beginning of the End: (Pre-Earth 0.5)

In the Prequel to This Morning I Woke Up Dead, we meet Emerson Morris and her boyfriend Logan; soul mates on their path to forever after. Logan soon learns the secret to Earth and must leave Emerson behind. While Logan is hoping Emerson learns the secret too, he must fight his need to contact her or face the wrath of The Masters.
While Emerson is moving on with her life, her brother Dominic falls in love with Hadley Christensen. Hadley has a special bond with each of her Alzheimer’s patients and soon starts to have a glimpse into The Secret. She is fighting against this knowledge, but will she succeed?
Find out in “The Beginning of the End”.

This Morning I Woke Up Dead (Pre-Earth, #1)

This Morning I Woke Up Dead (Pre-Earth #1)
What would you do? What rules would you break to be with your soul mate? This morning Hadley Christensen and Dominic Morris woke up living their dream lives. They are engaged and each has promising careers in the medical field. They are happier and more fulfilled than they have ever been, and they are ready to begin their happily ever after.

Sadly, on her way to work, Hadley is in an accident. Before taking her last breath, she realizes she is already dead - and everyone on Earth is too. Now Hadley and Dominic must each find a way to live without one another. How do they continue when they are two parts of one flame?

Hadley is given permission by the Masters to contact Dominic in the hopes he will also realize he is already dead. If Dominic can open his mind to hear Hadley they can be together forever. Is Dominic ready to give up life the way he knows it.
Wake Up! We're No Longer Dead (Pre-Earth #2)

Hadley and Dominic seem to have it all. Each other. A beautiful little girl named Piper. Endless amounts of time. Fulfilling assignments as spirit guides.

But Piper is not like the rest of them.

What would you risk? What would you give up to secure your loved ones safety?
Fear drives Dom and Hadley to give up everything when they leave Piper behind on the only place the Masters can't go. The Purple Planet.

Piper may look the part, gifted with the soothing tones of lavender, her eyes, hair, even her skin is kissed with a purpled glow, but she's different. She is special. She's alive. Fitting in, in the afterlife, proves to be more than difficult, even after she finds her soul mate, Aiden Hall. He is not only a resident but he runs the bar next door. Just when they reconnect and despite everything Hadley and Dominic gave up, Piper doesn't stay hidden long.

The Masters are back and Piper is taken where she belongs to Pre-Earth.
Attempting and failing at making contact with Piper from the other side, Aiden feels as if there's no other choice but to follow his heart. All the while knowing the risks are great.

Struggling with their reality neither Piper or Aiden remember a thing past waking up. Both feel as if they should remember something. Someone. But what? And who?

Will they end up together once more? Or will they choose to follow an easier path?

About Mindy Larson:
Mindy Larson has always had a vivid imagination that has only improved with her love of reading and writing. She spent much of her childhood entertaining her three younger brothers with her stories and today she is bringing her imagination to life in books.
When not writing, Mindy enjoys spending time with the love of her life and four children while playing disc golf, cooking, baking, traveling and exploring.
Learn more about Mindy and her upcoming books on her
Facebook page:

Interview with Mindy:

1.Can you tell us a little about your books?
Whether you're an atheist, christian, or somewhere in between, I'm willing to guess you've wondered what happens after you die. In my Pre-Earth series, I explore a nontraditional aspect of what might occur. Death is just the beginning. And there isn't one higher power, there are many. They're known as The Masters. There are many realms of existence but I mostly focus on three. Pre-Earth, the place where everyone is alive. Earth, the place where everyone is dead but they don't know it. And the afterlife, a place everyone is dead and they know it. In all of my books, everything is centered around a powerful love story. A love so strong it can survive anything. Even death. In This Morning I Woke Up Dead, its all about soul mates Hadley and Dominic. In the next book, Wake Up! We're No Longer Dead, you meet Hadley and Dominic's daughter, Piper and her soul mate, Adien. And in the third installment entitled, No One Gets Out Alive, I include all your favorites as well as a few new ones to love. Watch for its upcoming release in the next few months.

2.  Where did you get the idea to write the Pre-Earth series?
It was a combination of my curiousity about the afterlife and wanting to write about true love and soul mates. Once the title for the first book, This Morning I Woke Up Dead, came to me I instantly got chills! I was super excited and knew I was onto something. Cracking open my laptop, I sat down and wrote for four hours straight. The magical part was that it only felt like a few minutes. And although Hadley Christensen was dead, her story quickly came to life. I hadn't intended it to be a series but as I went along, I realized my characters had more to do and tell me. 

3. Do you have any “odd” writing habits?
Hmm, well, not sure if this constitutes as "odd" but here's what  got! I constantly re-read everything I've written. And I always re-write things a little as I go along, making it better all the time until I'm happy with things.

4. Do you listen to music while you write?
 Most the time I listen to music. I've created writing playlists on spotify for all my books. But there are a few occasions that I find the music too distracting and I don't have any noise surronding me but the soft sounds of my newborn in my arms, the trickle of my fish tank, and the breeze of my ceiling fan. It really just depends on the day.

5.  When did you know you wanted to write a book?
 I've always been a writer. Its as big a part of me as my green eyes and long brown hair. My first book came to life when I was  just eight years old. It was a pop up book. I've written numerous works since then but I only have three novels and a novella for sale at the moment. 

6. What is one thing you would like to learn to do?
This is the one question that has me completely stumped! Can I get back to you??

7. What's one random fact about yourself that you can share?
I once ate only granola bars, dark chocolate, salad, and salt and vinegar chips for an entire year. 

8. What's the last book you read?
I'm currently reading Black Lies, by Allesandra Torre. And before that I read the Divergent series by Victoria Roth.

9. What do you do when you are not writing?
Well, I always say I'm a mom first and writer second. I'm so lucky to five amazing kids, they pretty much fill all my spare time. I also love to bake, travel, work out, and play disc with my husband. 

10.  What are writing projects are you currently working on?
I finished the last book in my series a month ago and am waiting for its release and all the promo involved in that is coming up in the next month or so. But as I mentioned writing is a huge part of me, and I couldn't stand it not writing anything. Honestly I didn't know what to do with myself! So I did what all writeres would do and I began a new book. I have about 10k written so far. But I'm not in any rush to finsish it since it takes time to get to know new characters. 


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