
Saturday, January 11, 2014

New Years Book Blitz Author Spotlight for Julie Farley

Author Julie Farley


Julie Farley is the author of Tripped Up Love and The New Ever After. She lives in Richmond, VA with her husband, four rarely quiet children and her 50 pound lap dog. Julie spends her days writing and teaching preschool. She chronicles her adventures on her blog at and is working on the next book in The New Ever After Series.

Here is my Facebook link

10 Things (or a few extra!) you Don’t Know About Julie Farley
1. I was named after the song "Julie do ya love me" by Bobby Sherman. My mom used to listen to it on her way to and from the hospital after she had her first daughter, Jennifer. Jennifer died 3 weeks after she was born. When my mom had me she wanted my name to begin with a J and remembered that song.

2. I don't like to fly but don't let it stop me from traveling. I have a reoccurring dream that I am in an airplane with my best friend from high school and the plane crashes in strange places. We always survive somehow. I think the dream has something to do with the time she and I were stranded in Ithaca airport as teenagers.

3. I love fried clams and really miss Peter's Clam Bar on Long Island. I used to go there each time I went home. I even miss the beautiful view of the dump. I also miss the diner - a good cheeseburger and fries with a real pickle.

4. I can read all day long. I love to sit with my 9 year old and read on beanbags in front of the fire.

5. I am in awe of my children and each of their unique personalities. They make me smile all day long.

6. I love kids and am not bothered by dozens playing in my house. Probably because I used to teach 28 inner city first graders in Chicago.

7. I love Paris. My creative husband even painted Parisian cafe scenes on the bathroom walls in our old house. I am sad that I won't be running the half marathon in Paris but know it is the best decision for my cousin.

8. I am a writer. My 9th grade English teacher, Ms. Cuccurillo(sp), encouraged me to write creatively and I didn't give it much thought until about 12 years ago. I wish I had been encouraged to be more creative as I was growing up.

9. I hate to cook. I don't have the patience for it. When Alex was 3 I told him it was time for dinner and he went to get his coat. I do like to eat though and can only eat meat if I haven't seen it raw.

10. I love Neil Diamond. I can always listen to Sweet Caroline.

12. I have lived in New York, Indiana, Chicago, and Richmond. I would move back to Chicago in a heartbeat if I could afford to live in Lincoln Park with 4 kids.

13. I dream about the future and have been right. I can read people's energy pretty easily. It freaks people out so I don't like to talk about it.

14. I sleep with my hair covered. When I was little a man came up to me in the grocery store and told my grandpa that son of sam was killing people with my haircolor. My grandfather called him a screwball and left but I never forgot about it.

15. I like mixing popcorn and junior mints.


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